Busuttil says Muscat ‘must keep his word’ on judge’s impeachment

Opposition leader says government must not hide behind technicalities on judge’s impeachment motion

Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco
Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said he wants government to "keep to its word" and push for the impeachment of Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco.

Speaker of the House Anglu Farrugia is set to pass a ruling in this evening's parliamentary session on whether an impeachment motion still stands, after saying he received advice from constitutional expert Prof. Ian Refalo, that the motion may be considered 'dead' on the grounds that it was put forward by former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi - who is no longer an MP.

"Muscat said, on more than one occasion, that he will continue to support the impeachment of Judge Farrugia Sacco," Busuttil said.

"I can only hope that the Prime Minister will keep to his word, and not hide behind any technicalities," he said, adding that it was the prime minister's political responsibility to follow through with the impeachment.

If the Speaker rules that a new motion is required for Farrugia Sacco's impeachment, the delay could mean that the Commission for the Administration of Justice would have to restart its investigation afresh, after having found that the charge of misbehaviour had been proven.

Farrugia Sacco will retire in August.

Busuttil was speaking at a meeting with the Chamber of SMEs in Valletta, which he praised for its work.

The PN leader said the increase in unemployment was a "cause for concern" which the government had to address, and said that Malta had witnessed the biggest decrease in retail and trade activity across the EU.

"Government should be assessing concrete ways in which to generate economic growth, and not by introducing schemes such as the Individual Investor Programme," Busuttil said of the sale of Maltese passports, which he described as a means of "simply making a quick buck".

Busuttil also said that IIP concession Henley & Partners was setting up a real estate agency, and that it stood to reap up to €200 million in fees from the 1,800 new passports it would be handing out. "This is simply scandalous," he said.

GRTU president Paul Abela also said that the chamber will be drafting a manifesto in preparation for the European elections, with proposal for all MEP candidates.

Simon wants to short cut the law and crucify the gentleman, Shame on Simon. As a collegue Simon should follow the law to the letter. and give us all a lesson in respectinf the law. Shame on Simon
This is now getting to be obscene. Does Judge Farrugia Sacco have a right to proceedings which are lawful or does the fact Simon Busuttil wants to use him for political reasons deprive him of this right? It would be to Malta's benefit if Simon Busuttil gets some private lessons in Parliamentary procedure because he is obviously ignorant of them. It is also apparent that his more experienced colleagues, for reasons which must be very suspect, are allowing him to make statements which expose him to ridicule. And there is a growing suspicion that the Opposition is now waging a witch hunt against Farrugia Sacco because he happens to be the father of a PL election candidate. For let us say it as it is: Gonzi had four years to move a motion of impeachment against Farrugia Sacco for breach of ethics but did nothing. It was only when Farrugia Sacco's sons joined the PL bandwagon that they decided to act. And which is worth they were incensed by what they alleged Farrugia Sacco's involvement in the revelations in the oil scandal. How obscene.
All Dr Busuttil seems to talk about is EU this and EU that. If he is so much in love with the EU why on earth has he resigned his position as an MEP and accepted the post as opposition leader. His concern is not aimed towards the improvement of his own birth place and fellow countryman as proven by the PN provoking international ill repute towards Malta. One only has to remember that all the PN deep blue eyed boys were given every opportunity to big bucks position not only in Malta but also in Brussels (as spies and maximum obstruction to Malta's progress), while the other better jobs where given to the blue eyed boys, and the cheap Charlie jobs to the light blue eyed boys and red eyed boys. I cannot but despise the hatred being shown by the PN towards Malta and the Maltese.
Sorry simple Simon its the government that sets the agenda not the PN! Partit Demokratiku Kristjan bil motto Religio et Patria please change it to Spite & Vindictivness!
So first Joseph Muscat forgives and forgets the misgivings of ex Mep John Dalli and now he might change his mind about Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco. It does not matter when and who was PM at the time of the accusation, wrong is still wrong under any PM. Ex PM Lawrence Gonzi gave George Farrugia a Presidential Pardon for any sins he committed during the Enemalta scandal, does that mean that Joseph Muscat as PM can take that Presidential Pardon away from Geaoge Farrugia? Don't think so. One thing for sure Politics and Money always rule and it is the little people that always pay the price for their mistakes..
Has the smell of a personal vendetta! Isn't the Speaker's Ruling enough for Simon ?