Government insists PN’s threat to revoke IIP citizenships is illegal

Government says Opposition’s wholesale withdrawal of citizenships is dangerous

The Maltese government is insisting that the Nationalist Party's declared commitment to withdraw Maltese citizenships granted under the Individual Investor Programme, is illegal.

"The Opposition has given serious notice that if elected, it will breach fundamental human rights without the right to a fair hearing. This is dangerous and not legally sound," the government said in a statement.

The Opposition on Monday filed a judicial notice in what is a fair warning to IIP applicants, saying it will withdraw rights acquired under the IIP, which sells Maltese passports for €650,000.

The protest was deemed to be "discriminatory" by Alternattiva Demokratika, the Green Party, which opposes the IIP but said that the PN could not "fight discrimination by discrimination."

The government is insisting that the IIP, which is now capped to a maximum of 1,800 prospective citizens, will reap up to €1 billion revenues.

Applicants who are granted citizenship must also commit to the purchase of a €350,000 property or rent at an annual €16,000; and invest €150,000 in bonds and stocks.

While the PN says it will not publish any legal advice it has on withdrawing citizenships, the Attorney General has declared that withdrawing citizenships under Maltese law cannot render a person stateless, and that such cases must be granted the right to demand an inquiry.

"The law as it stands quite clearly excludes the wholesale deprivation of citizenship to a class of naturalized citizens irrespective of their conduct or individual circumstances."

Come on Dr Joseph Muscat carry on and Govern. I remember when I heard him the first time where he promised Labour that he can win...AND HE DID, I remember when he said that elect tariffs will be reduced...AND HE DID. He is now saying that millions are there for the people in this citizen scheme...AND THERE WILL BE. At the same time I heard Gonzi-Simon-PN, say that...that.... I can`t remember now any way, not important...they were just lies. dEAR sIMON CREDIBILITY IS EASY TO LOOSE BUT VERY VERY HARD TO GAIN
Joseph MELI
Erm hello !Isn't the issue that the IIP scheme itself may be illegal?
It is time for true Nationalists to set up a new NP. The way the present NP elite hijackers are dictating over the party, makes sure that it remains for a long time in opposition. Please leave off.
Don't fall for it.This is all bluff.The Pn had now given up hope for a miracle from the EU. Now the Attorney General has spoken.
No question, Malta needs all the money it can get. Malta is a very small island in the middle of the Mediterranean and cannot cope much on it's own. To top this off the illegal immigrants are sucking up a lot of our resources not to mention destroying our way of living. The EU abandoned Malta when it comes to burden sharing and that means the EU abandoned Malta in order to protect the rest of the EU States. If the EU really means what it says about the rights of the illegal immigrant why not let these illegal immigrants go to the EU State of their choice and not keep them incarcerated here in Malta to accommodate the rest of the EU countries? On the other hand Malta is not that desperate for money that the government should find it necessary to sell our Maltese Passports for thirty pieces of silver. other countries are already protesting this move and with that comes the lack of tourists that will be visiting this little island in the middle of the Mediterranean. Why can't both political parties sit down and discuss this situation seriously and maybe they might come to a satisfactory conclusion instead of pointing fingers and threatening our livelihood?
The only advice Simon has is his own wrong advice. STOP undermining Malta Simon. How right were those who coined the new terms Simonata, Metsolata and Casata like those who had coined the term Terinata after Terinu.
Dr.Busuttil very dangerous man to his party its followers and in perspective to the whole country in general. Dr. Demarco please note, before the upcoming European parliament elections,at this rate and with this type of politics, the party, P N, will be lucky if it elects 1 M E P
Mr. Simon, il profezija li ghamilt ghal Labour qed taghmel min kollox biex issehh, ghalik l-ewwel wiehed u ghal kull min qed jappoggjak f'din L-istand illi l partit talk P N jidher li qed jaghmel kontra Dan l investiment fenominali, Mr. Simon gass down gol hajt int u min ghal qalbu jew kontra irid jaqbel mieghek. Mela issa ta l ewropa mhux bizzejjed ghalik? Ghadhek qed tibza li anki huma sejrin jindunaw li ippruvajt tinfluenzhom ghal skopijiet purament personali u politici mill aghar kemm jista jkun?
Simon Busuttil's wishful thinking will never come to fruition. His PN will remain anchored in opposition for many years to come with these type of gimmicks.The people of Malta are fed up with these stupid threats of revoking citizenships. It cannot be done and will never be done. It is illegal and unconstitutional. Simon change course. These type of tactics are self-defeating. They will not work and will bring about the disastrous consequences of another humiliating defeat for your PN - like the last election when you, together with Gonzi, ran the show.