Agreement reached on Church-State concordat on civil marriage

Signing of Third Additional Protocol to take place on Monday.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with Pope Francis.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with Pope Francis.

Next Monday, Malta and the Holy See will sign an agreement on the Third Additional Protocol.

In a statement, the Church in Malta announced that an agreement has been reached on the revision of the 1992 Church-State agreement.

"Malta and the Holy See have announced that, further to technical talks held between representatives of both sides, agreement has been reached on a Third Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the Holy See and the Republic of Malta on the Recognition of Civil Effects to Canonical Marriages and to the Decisions of the Ecclesiastical Authorities and Tribunals about the Same Marriages signed on 3 February 1993," the Church said in a statement today.

The Third Additional Protocol will be amending parts of the Agreement thereof whilst it will also repeal the Second Additional Protocol signed on 6 January 1995.

Informal talks regarding the future of the 1993 Church-State agreement concerning marriage commenced when Prime Minister Joseph Muscat visited Pope Francis I at the Vatican in June.

Muscat, who won a landslide majority in last March's general election, announced his intention to revisit this contentious agreement immediately upon taking office. One of his first initiatives as Prime Minister was to a send a 'note verbale' to the Holy See to initiate discussions on the abrogation of the concordat.

Singed by former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami and Foreign Minister Guido de Marco in 1993, the agreement envisages a partial concession to the Ecclesiastical Tribunal over the local civil courts when it comes to the annulment of Catholic marriages.

The signing of the Third Additional Protocol will take place on Monday, 27 January 2014 between the Hon. Dr George W. Vella, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and H.E. Msgr. Aldo Cavalli, Apostolic Nuncio, in the presence of the Hon. Dr Owen Bonnici, Mr Joseph Cole, Permanent Secretary, Dr Peter Grech, Attorney General and their Excellencies Msgr. Paul Cremona, Metropolitan Archbishop of Malta, Msgr. Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo and President of the Maltese Episcopal Conference, and Msgr. Charles J. Scicluna, Auxiliary Bishop of Malta, and Msgr. Simón Bolívar Sánchez Carrión, Secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature.

Milli qed naqra u nisma minn hbieb tieghi qassisin, dan il-Papa Frangisku hu progressive, realist u mhux pomuz ; iridt li ll-Knisja tkun tan-nies, specjalment ta dawk fqar u mhux Knisja tal-poter,u tal-Prada u tac-crieket bid-djamanti 'mined fl-Afrika' minn Afrikani esplojtjati ghall-ahhar! Aktar minn hekk, dan il-Papa hu aktar progressive minn tal-PN: fejn tridt tasal aktar? Hu Papa tat-tielet dinja-fejn hemm l-aktar Insara kattolci- u mhux Papa Ewropew-fejn l-anqas li huma insara fin numru-fid-dinja u imbaghad- l-aktar li ghandhom poter! J'Alla lil dan il-Papa ihalluh jahdem u ikompli jiddjaloga ma nies bhali li jopponu minn gewwa dawk l-insara konservattivi u l-Papiet li rewhulohom, li minn meta miet Pawlu VI- hlief hasra ma ghamlux specjalmnet billi mexxew lura dak li kien mexxa l-Koncilju Vatikan II.
Will Simon be "Surpised" , "Shocked" or "Stupified" ? ;) What SAYS SIMON ? ;)
Would Simon be "Surprised", "Shocked" or simply , "Stupified" with the news ? What does Simon Says ... ?
On the right track!!!
Gvern immexxi minn Joseph Muscat huwa gvern tal kelma.
Finally we are seeing a seperation of church and state which should have been carried out several years ago. Now is the time for the state to move forward without the interference of the church and without any further pressure from the ecclesiastical community. This is certainly a breath of fresh air to our parochial politics.
F'sena, Muscat se jkun aghmel daqs kemm ghamlu EFA u Gonzi f'daqqa. Li jghid jaghmlu u ma jdumx. Ezempju zghir tat-tkaxxkir tas-saqajn ta EFA/Gonzi kienu l-golf courses. Damu jsemmuhhom il-legislaturi kollha li ghamlu u ghamlu studji kontra studji imma qatt ma waslu, sahansitra t-trend tal-golf courses spiccat. Daqshekk kienu imheggin l-amministrazzjonijiet nazzjonalisti precedenti. U Simon Busuttil dan jafu, ghalhekk qed jaghmel il-bsaten fir-roti ghal kull haga li jipproponi il-PL. Ghax hu jaf li Joseph means business at all costs.
prosit PL u nisperaw ma jergax malta qatt ikollna gvernijiet FUNDAMENTALISTI TAL PN . illum 2014 is ittinijiet ilhom fuq l-erbghajn sena li ghaddew u ghal grazzja ta alla daqsek impressjonajtu u bellajtu ross bil labra lil maggoranza.L-istat u il knisja ghandhom ikunu totalment seperati u jhekk trid il knisja tilhaq saliba,ghanda hafna fuq xhiex theda u timmedita milli tideffes fl affarijiet tal poplu (fejn ma jesghahhiex)
Is it possible for the final agreement to be provided as information to NGOs?
The 'concordat agreement' signed behind our backs in 1992' by the late Dr Demarco on behalf of the 'liberal party-the PN- is finally going to be consigned to the dustbin of history!