Therese Comodini Cachia launches MEP campaign

PN candidate says government's threat of repatriation ‘opened the door for racism’ • Comodini Cachia says government is showing its true colours on citizenship scheme

Launching her electoral campaign on the battle cry of competence and the citizens' rights in Europe, Nationalist MEP candidate Therese Comodini Cachia has vowed to use her platform in the European Parliament to address the people's needs.

While hinting at the contentious migration issue, the human rights lawyer said her politics is based on identifying all stakeholders and listening to their views, a stance which according to her, is not practised by the government.

"In threatening to repatriate asylum-seekers, the government's philosophy opened the door for racism and radical perspectives," she argued while lambasting the threats.

The MEP candidate previously tackled the outcry surrounding the migration head on, blaming Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Labour MEP candidates on building their elections around the issue.

Addressing PN deputies and supporters, the MEP candidate launched her campaign on the slogan 'For Your Rights in Europe' (Ghad-Drittijiet Tieghek fl-Ewropa).

"I work differently: prior to making a stand on controversial issues I focus on the person's views, values and aspirations. If elected, these values would be highlighted on a European front," Comodini Cachia stressed.

Turning her attention on journalistic freedoms and freedom of expression, the human rights lawyer lambasted the police for demanding a journalist to reveal his sources.

"By making a court declaration requesting a journalist to reveal his sources, it is apparent that the police want to shut people's mouths on anything that might shed a bad light on the government," she argued.

Earlier this month, the prosecuting officers in the compilation of evidence against Tancred Tabone, the former Enemalta chairman charged with having accepted bribes for the supply of oil to the state energy corporation, said they intend on filing a court writ to force MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan to reveal the source of information on the Enemalta bribery scandal.

However, Balzan told court he would not reveal the source that led to the publication of invoices proving the payment of bribes by Trafigura to Enemalta consultant Frank Sammut in an offshore account, back in January 2013.

While referring to previous instances were state representatives allegedly refused to answer journalists' questions and threatening them, Comodini Cachia said the signals were there from the beginning.

On the contentious citizenship scheme, the Nationalist candidate said the government is showing its true colours.

"By facilitating the sale of the Maltese passport, the government is sending a clear message that it rather focuses on regenerating money rather than safeguard Malta's values and reputation," she stressed.

In light of the European Commission threatening to open legal proceedings against the government's insistence on the IIP, Comodini Cachia argued that Malta's reputation has long been going downhill under the Labour government.

"Prior to the government announcing this scheme, Malta's excessive deficit procedure and its threat of repatriating asylum-seekers sent shockwaves across Europe, which ultimately, tarnished Malta's name and turned the country into a laughing stock."

"Malta's reputation under previous governments was based on sincerity and hard work. However, in a space of just ten months the government has managed to offset the previous work by the PN," the MEP candidate argued.

While auguring her election, PN Leader Simon Busuttil said recent events showed that a change in the composition of Malta's representatives in the EU is needed.

In a dig at the European Commission's indignation of the government's Individual Programme, Busuttil said the value of competence was in dire need.

On his part, Shadow Health Minister Claudio Grech lauded the MEP candidate as the face of the evolution within the party's ranks.

"Comodini Cachia is the face of competence - a value which in light of past events suggest that it is in dire need in the European Parliament," Grech pointed out while referring to Labour MEPs who voted in favour of the citizenship scheme during last week's European parliament.

This was echoed by Grech's fellow PN deputy Claudette Buttigieg who said Comodini Cachia's competence is thoroughly needed to redress the tarnishing of Malta's name, "a feat which has been synonymous under the PL government."

Eleven candidates have so far been selected to contest the forthcoming European elections on the PN ticket: incumbents David Casa and Roberta Metsola, entrepreneurs Helga Ellul and Jonathan Shaw, lawyers Stefano Mallia, Kevin Cutajar and Therese Commodini Cachia, former TV Hemm presenter Norman Vella, Francis Zammit Dimech, Ray Bugeja and PN youth section president Kevin Plumpton.

I hope no one votes for this woman, she wants Malta inundated with unemployed illegal immigrants roaming our street. She will definitely get the votes from human traffickers. Most of the immigrants coming to Malta are commercial migrants. Nor does Malta need rich crooks buying our passport. Our politicians are mad and are out of touch with the people who voted for them. Shame on her.
Only those who want illegal immigrants in Malta should vote for her.
I hope no one votes for this woman, she wants Malta inundated with unemployed illegal immigrants roaming our street. She will definitely get the votes from human traffickers. Most of the immigrants coming to Malta are commercial migrants. Nor does Malta need rich crooks buying our passport. Our politicians are mad and are out of touch with the people who voted for them. Shame on her.
Another human rights lawyer..............maaaaaa another human rights lawyer - shivers down my spine..........thanks for reminding me that you're going to act against the Maltese if you get elected.
Another human rights lawyer..............maaaaaa another human rights lawyer - shivers down my spine..........thanks for reminding me that you're going to act against the Maltese if you get elected.
Another human rights lawyer..............maaaaaa another human rights lawyer - shivers down my spine..........thanks for reminding me that you're going to act against the Maltese if you get elected.
That's what I call some bad campaigning! Chances of this lady getting elected are narrow knowing that more than 8o% of the Maltese population do not share the same sentiment. Anyway Good Luck, at least she seems sincere not like most of the others.
Therese Comodini Cachia or more aptly Therese Comodini Tcachia?
Hallina Therese! Mela jekk fis sajf jfiggu 25elf asylum seekers u nghajdulhom mhawnx wissa nsiru razzisti! Mela kemm huma aktar razzisti dawk il pajjizi Ewropej li lanqas biss fethu halqom biex jiehdu ftit minnhom! Mur L-Ingilterra u ghajdilhom hekk ha jibghatuk lura Malta ma l-ewwel ajruplan! Nahseb jekk titla twerwirhom sejra lill Franza,Germanja, Ollanda, Belgju hallina! Ibda int bl-ezempju u offri xi zewg bedrooms milli ghandek lill Asylum Seekers!
Comdini Cchia: In the European Parliament we want MEPs who put Malta's interest FIRST and not that of other Member-States who have very similar schemes like ours ! SHAME ON YOUR MEPs !The PN HAS SOLD MALTA to Brussels !
Yes, the government is showing its true colours- RED AND WHITE. While the PN opposition is showing its true colours too - BLUE WITH YELLOW STARS !
Yes, the government is showing its true colours- RED AND WHITE. While the PN opposition is showing its true colours too - BLUE WITH YELLOW STARS !
Kieku fethet halqa fuq 'l-freedom of movement ' bhala dritt li l-EU qed tnaqqas lill- immigranti illegali; kieku lest ma nghid xejn! Imma din donna tridt li l-immigranti illegali jibqghu hawn- speci ta kolonja penali-u titfa l-htija fuq l-Maltin ghax jaqblu li 23,000 ruh huma izjed milli ahna nifilhu ghalihom biex naghtu hajja dicienti lil dawn l-imsieken.? Xejn minn dan Commodini? Mela ghallura int bhal Simon hsiebek biss biex tghajjar lil Maltin talli ma jaccetawx id-dictat ta dawn l-Ewropej hsabna biex int,minghalik tidher sabieha maghhom a skapitu taghna? Fejn hi id-dinjita bhal Maltin bhal ma jaghmlu l-barranin? Bla misthija?
Typical PN . lambast everyone else and defineately the government yet your simon did nothing for our country over the immigration in all the time he was in Europe. I thought we elected our MEPs to protect Malta not to protect the immigrants alone,
The only reputation Malta lost during these last 10 months is that we are no longer pushovers and being treated like doormats by the EU as it was for the last 10 years. Being tough is a reputation I would be glad to have.
Ms Comodini Cachia there is a lot of truth in what you say but isn't it more important to you to protect the rights of the Maltese people first? You, like some of the profitable NGOs want to save the world but give very little damn about your fellow countrymen/women. You are acting like the PM who is willing to sell our dignity and respect to any rogue around the world who can come up with 650,000 thousand euros. Charity starts at home Ms Comodini Cachia. You are talking about the rights of the illegal immigrants but ignoring the rights of the Maltese people? These illegal immigrants which you are willing to protect are reducing our sources and soon enough they will destroy our freedom. Think about that Ms Comodini Cachia. We both know that the majority of Maltese citizens do not want these illegal immigrants here, but here you are fighting for their rights while abandoning our rights.
U hallina Theresa! Sparata ha titla' hanini with your views on illegal immigration. The PM is addressing a very serious issue which the EU forced down our throat. You are a lawyer so you should well know that those who do not have a right to stay in Malta, have to be deported/repatriated. I will certainly not be voting for you as you do not represent the national interest of Malta. Malta first and foremost. Lackey of the EU, that is what you are. Next!!!
Another traitor to maltese interests. What she is eyeing like the rest of them is a cushy job
The art of promising has always been the characteristic of people chasing votes. It is so easy to criticise and try to look intelligent but offering a sound solution is wisdom. This wisdom does not exist among the PN candidature for European Parliament as they instinctively bow their heads to whatever Europe dictates and that does not make us proud. Voting against your own country is a real shame. Directing all your energy to get what is best for your country is a commitment.
Can the the PN disclose the FULL HISTORY of every prospective candidate ?
Mhux ahjar tara kif tiddobba xi erba gwardarobbi ha ikollok fejn tpoggi il voti, ghalix il-kommodini huma zghar wisq?