Electoral Commission to accept AECs applications for EP elections next week
Applications will be received from Monday 10th till Friday 14th March.
The Electoral Commission will start accepting applications for those interested to serve as Assistant Electoral Commissioners during May’s European Parliament election from next week. Those interested to serve as counters, supervisors or calculators during the counting process may also apply.
Applications will be received by the Electoral Commission at its office in Evans Building, St Elmo Square Valletta from Monday 10th till Friday 14th March from 3pm to 8pm, and on Saturday, 15th March 2014, from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Persons residing in Gozo may apply at the Identity Cards Office, 28A, St. Francis Square, Rabat, Gozo.
Application forms, the only ones admissible, may be obtained from the Electoral Office during the mentioned days and hours or may be downloaded from the Electoral Commission’s website www.electoral.gov.mt.
Applicants would be expected to attend briefing sessions held by the Electoral Commission in due course.