AD wants the truth about Delimara Gas-powered Power station

Alternattiva Demokratika has requested a copy of the OHSA report

Carmel Cacopardo, AD Deputy Chairperson,  at left, with Arnold Cassola, AD Chairperson
Carmel Cacopardo, AD Deputy Chairperson, at left, with Arnold Cassola, AD Chairperson

AD Deputy Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo has requested a copy of the report commissioned by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) to examine the risks resulting from the operation of the proposed Delimara gas-fired power station.

The report, compiled by Dr George Papadakis, a SEVESO Directive expert, said that the risks related to the transportation of gas and its use as an energy source are small. 

“AD deplores that the report has so far been withheld and that selective extracts from it are being leaked,” said Cacopardo. “It is imperative that the whole report is published immediately.”

AD Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said, "Why all this secrecy? The Maltese and Gozitan people have a right to be given all the information about the proposed Delimara plant because the safety of people is a top priority."

As they say: beware of the Greeks when the come with gifts (or Reports). Why should I trust any Report that has clearly been "leaked" to ONE Television, which has reported (selectively or otherwise) on its contents these last two evening news bulletin? If it is as good as has been said then there cannot be any objection to its publication.
I never ever voted for AD mostly because of their emigration policy. Otherwise I consider them as all politicians, l-ewwel huma, it-tieni huma, u jekk fadal huma, like all politicians. Today on TVM morning show I was surprised that the foreign EU expert report has been hush hushed away and no one outside the government circle was allowed to see what the report said. If this is true I smell something fishy! and therefore I thank AD for their stand.
Mela Broke ??? Why don't you commission your own study and present it?
One never thought that Alternattiva Demokratika would be boarding the PN's band wagon.
@fufa Everyone is entitled to his opinion and to express it an ethical way. One does not need to be elected to parliament to discuss or criticise any public or national matters. AD, NGOs and any other organisations courageously raising queries are right to keep any government on the spot for the sake of continuously improvement. This is called freedom of expression, so please bear a bit, for who uses this right if and when what is said is somewhat not to your liking.
Jumping the gun is not doing Cacopardo and AD any good. They are coming out as already decided, politically-negative objectors whatever the conclusions (sort of, let's object just for the brijju). Nor is it doing any good to genuine objectors. The process was very well explained this morning by Dr Gauci from OHSA on TVAM, when confronted by Ing Ciantar. MEPA first, in order to help reach conclusions or otherwise, then objectors may fill objections. That seems to have been the legal process so far and in full compliance with EU/Seveso II and potential III rules.
Grupp ta' erba' min nies li jifthu halqhom ghal kull haga ta' xejn u li minghalihom Malta ma tghddix minghajrhom sejrin zbaljati. Meta jkollkom is-sahha tal-poplu biex tghidulna x'ghandna naghmlu, imbaghad nisimghu minnkom...that's the truth profs Cassola.
So AD you dont even trust the man from the EU.The EU you love so much.