Alfred Sant sets his sight on Brussels
Alfred Sant’s career has seen him lead the Labour Party for over 15 years, the country for a short-lived two-year stint and he is now aiming at a seat in the European Parliament.
Alfred Sant hopes to extend his rollercoaster political career by serving as one of Malta's six MEPs.
The thought of seeing the former prime minister address the European Parliament might make some voters who remember his dogged resistance to EU membership wince. Most Labour loyalists will be enthralled.
Sant denies he is a eurosceptic, preferring instead the eurorealist label. He dismisses the neo-liberal policies which have dominated the EU in recent years and explains his vision for Malta and the European Union.
Read more the full interview in today's edition of MaltaToday

Kandidat verament onest u ta stoffa, kellna bżonn nistgħu ngħidu l-istess għall kulħadd.

@ Steve Engerer. Jisthi min xhiex.Ghandu jisthi l-PN tieghek li jidher quddiem il-poplu bl-iskandli u korruzzjoni b'kollox li sehhu fis-snin li ghaddew. Alfred Sant hu l-ahjar mill-kandidati kollu kemm huma nkluzi dawk tal-PN. Hu l-bniedem bl-aqwa kredenzjali li se johrog u jkun MEP u ahna se mmorru bi hgarna biex ntellawh.

Dan hu l-istess bniedem li fost hafna cuccati kien qal li 'rebah il-partnership?'

Alfred Sant ghandu esperjenza twila kemm fil-kamp diplomatiku u politiku fl-UE u lil'hinn minnha.
Bhal parti kbira mill-popolazzjoni,Alfred Sant kellu kull dritt li jaghti l-opinjoni tieghu ta' xi tfisser shubija fl-UE u llum hafna milli kien jghid gara.
Li taccetta d-decizjoni tal-poplu u taddatta ghaliha ma jfissirx li tkun ipokrita pero' demokratiku.
U fl-ahhar mill-ahhar,jien persuna li verament jimpurtah milli interessi ta' pajjizu irrid jirraprezentani fil-parlament Ewropew u mhux xi zewg laqgha tal-barrani.

Truly a rollercoaster political career: Alfred Sant will be a highly unpredictable Trojan Horse for Labour.

Isthi Dr Sant..! Insejt kemm tkellimt kontra l-Ewropa? Tini kwotazzjoni wahda biss fejn ghidt li dak ma kienx il-mument li ninghaqdu ma l-Ewropa.

Alfred Sant will undoubtedly be the best MEP representing the interests of the Maltese Nation in the EU Parliament in our 10 year history of accession. Alfred Sant's one man seat would outperform the rest of the Maltese representatives put together by a mile. Grossly well informed, technical and focused, Dr Sant's contribution is a gold mine of wealth to the Maltese cause. Good luck Dr Sant. I am sure that you will get the support of numerous voters coming from all walks of life and from different political backgrounds.

Joseph MELI •
The description hypocrite springs to mind and remains indeliably etched upon it .If we opened the Maltese -English lexicon at the page where the word hypocrite appears we would find no definition but,I would suggest, simply a photograph of Alfred Sant!

Alfred sant qatt ma qall li Hu kien kontra l-Ewropa. sant kien qall li l-kundizzjonijiet mhux favorevoli. gewwa l-parlament Ewropew hemm partiti zghar li huma kontra l-Ewropa. san se jkun l-ahjar kandidat li Malta qatt kellha. Zgur li jimpressjona.

Kif ma jisthix Dr Sant johrog ghal l-elezzjoni ghal-membru tal-Parlament Ewropew??
X'ipokrezija ta' bniedem!
Li kieku kien ghalih Dr Sant, Malta ma saritx membru fil pjaga tal-millenju, skontu l-membri parlamentari ewropew isahnu s-siggu!
Jaqaw qed joghgbu li jsahhan is-siggu tal parlament ta' l-ewropa issa Dr Sant?
Isthi Dr Sant li ghadek sal llum thanbaq kontra l-ewropa u xorta trid issir membru taghha!