Press Review • 28 February

Headlines from today's national press

PN MEP David Casa to lobby against the government's plans for LNG storage
PN MEP David Casa to lobby against the government's plans for LNG storage

The Times of Malta

Inquiry to follow migrant reports of injuries in riot

Several migrants were injured and three taken to hospital during the riot at the Hal Far Detention Centre last Tuesday, according to refugee agencies, which sharply conflicts with the Home Affairs Ministry’s statement that no one was injured. Home Affairs minister Manuel Mallia has said that an inquiry will be held “to put people’s minds at rest”. This follows the call by NGOs for an independent inquiry into the conduct of police tasked with quelling the riot.


Increase in driving license fee

As from 1 March, those who pass their driving test and wish to pick up their first license will be paying €31, a €9 hike from its current cost. In-Nazzjon reports that other increases will be enforced too, including a €16.75 fee to have a driving test take place on Saturday morning which used to be free on presentation of a letter of explanation. These new fees were not discussed in the previous Budget.


MHRA warned government of electricity in 2012

Ex-President of the MHRA Tony Zahra told L-Orizzont that the findings in a report presented to the government in 2012 about suspected electricity theft were not addressed. The MHRA report said that the discrepancy between electricity generated and the electricity paid for could be attributed to various factors, including theft. Zahra said that no action was taken after the report was made.

The Malta Independent

Casa to lobby against LNG plans

PN MEP David Casa has met with EU Commissioner Janez Potocnik about the planned LNG floating storage facility and will be lobbying against the government’s plans within the Environmental Committee of the European Parliament. “It is unacceptable that the safety of residents is being given secondary importance to fulfilling an electoral pledge”, he said, The Independent reports. 

Din ghal tan 'Nazzjon? Ghax ma tfakkarniex fiz-zieda ghal passaport jekk insejt staqsi lill Wistinu u staqsih kemm il-zieda ohra ghhamerl kemm dam Ministru
Sur Tony Zahra x'inti tghid, nahseb li qieghed tohlom. Toninu Tik Tok hadd qatt ma qallu xejn dwar serq ta eletriku. Ma tarax, kieku kien jiehu azzjoni mill ewwel mhux bil-puizija biss imma anke bl'armata
David Casa qieghed jaghmel minn kollox biex jakkwista l-voti tan-Nazzjonalisti horox li ghalihom kull ma ghamel il-gvern Nazzjonalista kien tgajjeb u dak li qieghed jaghmel il-gvern Laburista hu hazin. Il kumplament il-lobbying li qal li qieghed u famasija ta mohhu u wara l-elezzjoni jisfuma fix-xejn hlief li hu jibqa ittimbrat bhal TRADITUR ta pajjizu.