Former Enemalta CEO declines to comment on 665 'hidden' case files

Nationalist MP Tonio Fenech insists files were not hidden away but ‘a backlog’.

Tonio Fenech (left) with Louis Giordimaina during a visit to the Delimara power station. (file photo)
Tonio Fenech (left) with Louis Giordimaina during a visit to the Delimara power station. (file photo)

Former Enemalta CEO Louis Giordimaina has declined to comment on the mystery of the 665 cases of confirmed electricity theft upon which no action had been taken to prosecute the consumers or recover the monies.

On his part, former finance minister Tonio Fenech insists there was no mystery: "These files were not hidden or put away. They were a backlog of cases as the team responsible of theft cases was only made up of two."

The cases date between 2006 and 2011, although information provided by Enemalta includes the year 2005 as well. Fenech insists a number of cases go back to the 1980s and that the management at Enemalta had been very much aware of these files.

But when contacted by MaltaToday, Louis Giordimaina - who came under fire by the Opposition - refused to comment: "Appreciate that this is currently under investigation and therefore it is not prudent for me to comment."

A former Air Malta chief engineer, Giordimaina is today designate CEO of the national airline.

On Monday, Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi said a "whistleblower" spoke up on 665 files that had been "put away in an abandoned room". The files had been opened after consumers were caught tampering with their power meters. The Police had been called in, but for some unknown reason no further action had been taken and the cases remained open.

Although a separate matter, the discovery was allegedly made after the government came under fire by the Opposition for opting to initiate a scheme to recuperate back due payments from the tampering of some 1,000 smart meters.

The Opposition insists that consumers who paid Enemalta officials to have their smart meters tampered should be prosecuted. The government is calling on the consumers to come forward with information that may lead investigating officers to capture the masterminds behind the tampering.

In comments to MaltaToday, Tonio Fenech said he was informed that the 665 files had not been hidden away but were 'works in progress'. Reportedly, one case that amounted to hundreds of thousands was taken to court to see whether the case was time-barred.

"The management at Enemalta was very much aware of these cases and they had not been thrown away - at least not under the PN administration. If someone wanted to do a favour, the files would have been burnt," he said, adding the files had been in the office of a senior manager at the state corporation.

A restructuring process within Enemalta in 2012 led the files being moved from one unit to the other: "It was decided that ARMS Ltd should take care of new theft cases that came in. But it is clear that action was taken... it's another matter if attention was not giving to these files by the responsible person following the handover."

He went on to add that the whistleblower should have informed the ministry on who the responsible persons were and why the files had been abandoned, "because that's what a whistleblower does".

"I challenge the minister to hold an independent inquiry and question each and every manager at Enemalta to see what happened to the files," Fenech said, accusing the Energy Minister of irresponsibility.

Fenech also rebutted claims that he had known about the electricity theft but failed to take action: "My argument is very simple: if you ask the finance minister whether everyone was declaring his tax, he will not reply in the positive. This however doesn't mean that no action is being taken to fight tax evasion... but it also doesn't mean that the fight will be won."

He said the same argument would be applied to the theft of electricity, insisting that it was false to say the theft exploded in 2012.

"From the Enemalta financial accounts it is clear that, year after year, losses from theft and the distribution system were on the decrease. It is fallacious to say that Enemalta had not been tackling the matter - the introduction of the smart meters was to serve this purpose."

Fenech said the smart meters were to be connected to a central system that would make it easier for Enemalta to study the analytics and catch out any irregularities. "One should not forget that the Labour opposition had criticised the installation of the smart meters as 'waste of money'," he added.

But under the PN administration, only 44,000 smart meters had been activated and technical issues had delayed the full implementation of the system. Today there are approximately 120,000.

Between the deteriorating financial situation and the oil procurement scandal, the state energy corporation has been in the eye of the storm. Yet, Tonio Fenech claims that political responsibility has already been shouldered.

"The people passed their judgement during the electoral campaign when they elected Labour to government and sent the PN to the Opposition benches. We are carrying the responsibility. But the easiest thing to do is blame it on the politician."

Fenech went on to accuse the Energy Minister of lying following the discovery of the tampered smart meters: "As the internal auditor revealed, the company was presented with three tampered smart meters and it was not the Theft Control Unit that captured the thefts."

In parliament on Wednesday, Konrad Mizzi said that following information received in July, Enemalta officials went on to discover 1,000 smart meters that had been tampered with.

" If someone wanted to do a favour, the files would have been burnt," he said,.........." Not if one was still disillusioned that he was going to win the election and such files could be used to call in favours or kick backs. Tal-Lira clocks and Villa refurbishments are still very much in mind still.
This files' matter is like the Arlogg Tal-Lira case. First he said he did not have one , then that he did and then it was given as a token of admiration from a woman. How can Tonio ever be believed once a liar always a liar even if saying the truth.
Lil min se nemmnu lil Beppa jew lil Toninu? Xi hadd minnkom gideb. Backlog mit 2006? Mela f'seba snin ma lesta xejn. Jista Peppa Pig isaqsi lil Tonio l-arluggar ghalhiex ma ressaqhomx il-qorti lil dawn.
So the files ex minister new about the files that automatically makes him politically responsible. Shame on you, resign from parliament you do not deserve to be there.
How can he possibly argue that the files in question were just a back log of work in progress in a closed, locked room with dusty files. He must have been very busy accumulating debts close to 1 billion and have the cheek to pass such a ridiculous statement, it is high time we find these persons accountable for their misgivings during their stay in government.
Tonio Fenech now you are going from the sublime to ridiculous with your statements. "These files were not hidden or put away" Pardon me Tonio Fenech but isn't this admitting that you were very aware of the electricity thefts when you were in charge? And knowing this you did not do anything about it. What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Both parties are trying to hide something behind this whole saga. Who are you trying to protect here? No wonder our little island is looked upon as the most corrupted State in the EU! I hope that the police and the courts take over the investigation and punish ALL THOSE who were involved in this another scandal. To the PL I say: Joseph Muscat stop acting as Judge and jury, it is not for you to forgive all those who broke the law by bribing the Enemalta technicians to tamper with their Smart Meter. PN I think you should come out clean and tell the police and the courts what you know about this scandal and how long has this been going on. I have a deep feeling that you politicians are not telling all. This is a crime and not a political game that you play. If there is any politician past and present involved in these scandals they too should be named and brought to justice. Stop treating the people like a bunch of imbeciles. We know how to read between the lines and we wonder why Joseph Muscat is willing to forgive and forget the ones that bribed the Enemalta Technicians when they are accomplices to the crime and that makes them just as guilty. The people want to know.
If you knew that there was such a backlog and there were only two employees to do the job why didn't you shift more employees to get the job done? With YOUR admission Tonio you have not only confirmed thatYOU knew about those files but thatyou failed in your duty to have the files processed as fast as possible especially when knowing that EneMalta was so much in the red. More suspicions now as to why you did not do your job. Were they blue-eyed boys and gals Tonio?
Incredible! What an efficient minister we had! 665 files of alleged theft cases and only 2 persons to follow up! It would take over 2 years at 1 file per day to take action. Did the ex minister know of this? Yes or No! Shame!
'Reportedly, one case that amounted to hundreds of thousands was taken to court to see whether the case was time-barred.' U Tonio wara kwazi gimgha jghidilna li dawn kienu 'work in progress' u li hu kien jaf bihom. IOf they were work in progress how is it that at least one of them was taken to court to see whether it was time barred. Work in progressd will not be time barred. Tonio tell it the Mariners.
Hawn xi hadd li jahseb li kieku ma inbidilx il-gvern din il korruzzjoni kienet ser tara id-dawl tax-xemx? Issa min fuq tal-PN iridu jiehdu ir-ragun minflokk jaghmlu apologija publika u imorru jistahbew ghal ftit xhur sakemm tikkalma naqra ir-rabja tal poplu lejhom ghal dawn il hnizrijiet li hergin.
WIP! Tajba din, Tonju! Like Hire Purchase this; on the "never, never", but truly never!!! U hallina Tonju. Get real man!
Everyone knows T Fenech now by his credentials which are :Malta's massive €600,000,000, debt, and also left behind a bankrupted €800,000,000,debt Power Station. So you only have to judge him by his credentials and not what he says.
Kemm int bravu Tonio. Wara li thalli l-politika (immediatly please) itfahha ikteb il-kotba tal-hrejjef u stejjer ohra bhal ta' Gahan. Kemm int kapaci ghalihom,xbin. Dan talent mohbi kien.
Dear Tonio Fenech, TELL THAT TO THE MARINES. The Maltese people, knowing, in part, the extent of the corruption persistent throughout your Ministry and Ministerial areas of responsibility cannot believe one word you say to defend why 665 files were hidden away. Do you still believe that we Maltese are idiots and would accept a single word you say because you said so.? What a joke!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
So now Mr Unaware comes up with a news theory: backlog...and by repeating his masters voice " the people passed their judgment..... etc " is indirectly admitting that after he has responsibility for the hidden (ooops backlog) files etc.
So PN wants PL to take swift court action against people now - when during their time they had a back-log hidden in a room of over 600 people! How credibile is PN? Can PN continue to carry people such as discredited Tonio Fenech with them? is Tonio an asset or a liability?
How many people were taken to Court for stealing electrcity during hte last 5 years of GonziPN? Interferenza a la GonziSimonPN rules ok?
Mela kont taf bihom issa??? Jekk kollox ghandu jkun trasparenti ghidulna min huma.