Former Labour Prime Minister hospitalised

Former Labour Prime Minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, 80, hospitalised.

Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.
Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.

Former Labour Prime Minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici has been hospitalised.

The 80-year-old succeeded Dom Mintoff as PM and Labour Party leader in 1984. He served as Prime Minister until 1987. He continued on as Labour leader until 1992.

Mifsud Bonnici was the founder of the Campaign for National Independence (CNI).


The sincerity of K M B contrasts glaringly with the grand lie-factory, and the blatant political cynicism of E F A
Dr Mifsud Bonnici might be physically weak but his patriotic values and love for his country are outstanding and will remain alive. Shame who tried to distort your values. God be with you
Looking back, I say I never could understand Dr. Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici especially with some remarks that were belittling the office of his premiership, however I believe at least he tried in his own way to make Malta Maltija u veru Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox. I wish him well.
Veru ragel u ma jigdibx u nixtieqlu li jfieq malajr biex forsi darba ohra li jkollu konfront ma Dr. Eddy FAdami jerga jikxef il-verita' u jgid li dan qed jigdeb meta jghid li hu, Dr. EFA, jikkundanna l-vjolenza. Biex insahhah l-argument nistaqsieh lil Dr. EFA.:Veru li kienu jafu minn gimgha qabel li se jaharqu t-Times u d-dar tieghu fil-15 ta' Ottubru 1979 kemm hu u kemm Dr. de Marco, bhalma qal taht gurament il-gurnalista tat-Times quddiem l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi? Ghaliex dan Dr. EFA heba din l-Inkjesta fil-1990 biex wara halla lil Dr. A. Sant Jisraqha fil-1995? ara mist. Parl 14066 sed225.
I wish Karmenu a speedy recovery. I always enjoy listening to his weekly alternative views of a future vision for Malta in his own inimitable unbending no shades of grey style. It helps to enrich and widen our political dicussion and make us reflect beyond just political expediency. He is the eternal idealist with a genuine touch and feeling for the underprivileged in our society
I hope he will get better soon. He was always a gentleman!
Get well soon Dr Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici.
Priscilla Darmenia
Although I never liked him a prime minister I wish him a speedy recovery.