PN candidate wants minister to answer 10 questions on LNG storage

Stefano Mallia accuses energy minister of riding roughshod over concerns by residents on LNG storage

Stefano Mallia
Stefano Mallia

Nationalist candidate for MEP Stefano Mallia has called on energy minister Konrad Mizzi to reply to questions put to him by residents of the seaside towns living under the shadow of the LNG tanker that will be used as a floating gas storage terminal for the new Delimara power plant.

"I cannot blame the residents of Marsaxlokk, Birzebbugia and Marsascala for fearing the worst given the monstrous proportions of the gas storage facility being proposed for the new gas-fired power station. These worries are amplified by the fact that the proposal itself has not been thoroughly assessed and studied," Mallia said.

The PN is claiming the presence of an LNG tanker, which will supply a new 215MW plant with natural gas, carries the risk of an explosion.

"Despite the fact that the risks have not yet been fully assessed, the government has already signed an agreement to permanently anchor a vessel in the middle of Marsaxlokk bay which will act as the only storage depot of the highly hazardous liquefied gas that will fuel the new power station.

"There is no justification for government to ride roughshod over these concerns and implement the project before a thorough risk assessment has been carried out, something which is highly advisable when evaluating projects of this magnitude," Mallia said.

The MEP candidate has forwarded questions to a Nationalist MP to file them in parliament to the minister. The questions are:

The gas storage tanker selected by Enemalta was built in 1978 and it does not include an on-board regasification unit. This makes it impossible for the tanker to be moored offshore and to be operational. In view of this, why did Enemalta opt for a tanker that does not have an on-board regasification unit?

In view of the fact that Marsaxlokk is exposed to extreme weather, what will the storage tanker do if, for example, Malta is hit by what is commonly referred to as a 10, 25 or 100-year storm as that experienced when the Bush-Gorbachev Summit was taking place precisely in the same bay?

Does the Marsaxlokk Bay need to be excavated to ensure that it is sufficiently deep to accommodate the tanker and its feeders? What is the cost of this operation and who will pay for it?

Does the Has-Saptan dolphin need to be relocated? If so, what is the environmental and financial cost of this relocation?

The power station needs at least two full hours to completely shut down. In case of a gas leak, what systems will be put in place to ensure that no leaked gas will find its way into the intake of the electricity generators since this will certainly lead to an explosion with grave implications for Malta's generating capacity?

Given that the tanker already has already chalked almost 40 years of service and it has now been contracted for a further 18 years, and given that this tanker cannot leave Marsaxlokk for maintenance as it will be in continuous use supplying fuel to the power station, what are the risks associated with the lack of maintenance on the tanker itself?

Is it true that the chimney at the power station will continue to exist and/or new chimneys will be erected?

Is it true that the land-based regasification plant will become redundant in case Malta switches to a gas pipeline by 2018 as originally planned?

Is it true that the Government is currently conducting a feasibility study to assess the preferred option of constructing a gas pipeline to Malta while at the same time it has signed an 18-year agreement for the storage of gas on a tanker anchored permanently in Marsaxlokk Bay? What happens to the tanker's contract if the pipeline turns out to be the most economically sound option for Malta?

Why is Government insisting on risking peoples' lives and properties by persevering in hastily implementing the tanker in port option without adequate studies and risk assessments, when the price of electricity that could be bought from Europe through the interconnector already permits Government to start reducing the price of electricity tariffs in Malta?

Maybe it would be better if Mr. Mallia, tells us and explains to us how certain so called co-operatives are run in Malta, since he used to have very close ties with 'one of the best run co-operative' manager in Malta! U mela nibbdew nitfgħu t-tajn sur Stefano!!!!!
Maybe it would be better if Mr. Mallia, tells us and explains to us how certain so called co-operatives are run in Malta, since he used to have very close ties with 'one of the best run co-operative' manager in Malta! U mela nibbdew nitfgħu t-tajn sur Stefano!!!!!
Fabian Psaila
Who is behind and pushing Stefano? This is just not like him! ~~~~~~~~~ Why don't the PN not want local consumers to benefit from 25 % discount on the utility bills which Gonzi and his gang of MPs VOTED with all their ♥ so these are not reduced? ~~~~~~~~~ Why don't the PN make a National survey to see how many households want a reduction of 25% in their bills? I am sure that more than 91% of the population , their right mind , would say YES to a Power atation working with GAS AND A HEFTY DICOUNT ON THEIR BILLS! ~~~~~~~~~~ What's Stefano waiting to bring forward the Marsa residents plight with the old Power station on their door step which EDDIE promised its closure in 1987? ~~~~~~~~~~ Just who is pushing you Stefano , it's just not you !
Fabian Psaila
Who is behind and pushing Stefano? This is just not like him! ~~~~~~~~~ Why don't the PN not want local consumers to benefit from 25 % discount on the utility bills which Gonzi and his gang of MPs VOTED with all their ♥ so these are not reduced? ~~~~~~~~~ Why don't the PN make a National survey to see how many households want a reduction of 25% in their bills? I am sure that more than 91% of the population , their right mind , would say YES to a Power atation working with GAS AND A HEFTY DICOUNT ON THEIR BILLS! ~~~~~~~~~~ What's Stefano waiting to bring forward the Marsa residents plight with the old Power station on their door step which EDDIE promised its closure in 1987? ~~~~~~~~~~ Just who is pushing you Stefano , it's just not you ! Dan ma jridx li l-poplu jgawdi minn rohs ta 25 fil-mija fil kontijiet? ~~~~~~~~~ Ghalhiex qedin jghamlu
Priscilla Darmenia
Stefano did you ask your uncle these questions? He is considered to be one of Malta’s experts on such matters. If I were you I would have asked him before making these questions public. These questions only serve as scare mongering devices and as in the past months the experts will shoot down your affirmations and it will not look to good for your MEP prospects.
Dear Mr.Mallia, I dont have any doubt that you are an intelligent person so why the hell you keep asking questions if you (PN)dont believe any answers???? If Konrad will answer you (in which case he will be wasting his precious time) you won't beleive a hack of what he will say and you will use his answers to generate more questions. This is stupid politics and we are fed up of it. Whether you like it or not Labour is in government and they will do what the hell they feel its right like your party did for 25years. So please stop wasting our time.
One has to feel sorry for the people that live in those three cities. First they are bombarded with illegal immigrants and now they will put them in harms way by placing that tanker in the middle of Marsaxlokk Bay. I wonder how many politicians live in that area where they will be subject to this new danger? Now maybe we can make that dangerous tanker sitting in the middle of the bay a tourist attraction for all to see. Where are all those radicals that protest every time a ship containing nuclear weapons shows enters our port? I think the government should stop ignoring the welfare of the people of these three cities and beyond for a change. Put safety before politics Government.
One same simple answer to all ten questions: JEALOUSY.
More scaremongering tales as if they haven't yet said enough of them !
X'jitqanzah dan Stefano biex forsi jaghmel ftit hoss ghall-elezzjoni tal-MEPs. Mhux facli li jkun wiehed mit-tnejn li se jtellghu (forsi) il-PN.
I see that Marsaskala has now been drawn into the radius of the (PN) LNG storage tank explosion. That apart, the reference to the "extreme weather event" at the 1989 Bush-Gorbachev summit is re-assuring for an-18 year contract, as there seems to have been nothing like it in the intervening 24 years! But the mention triggered off a recollection of two persons, one from Greenpeace and one from Zaghzagh ghall-Ambient, standing before Dr. E. Fenech Adami asking him to make sue that the US and USSR naval vessels anchored in our ports were not carrying nuclear weapons. Dr. Fenech Adami took not the slightest bit of notice.
... ghax ma jmurx isaqsi lil anne fenech tal-partit tieghu stess is-sur stefano mallia? ..... dik li qabel l-elezzjoni qaltilna li ma hawn vapuri li jgorru l-gass ... issa kulhadd irid jipprova jdahhak ... l-ewwel kellna lil KAZZOLA TRICK US U ISSA DAN ID-DAQSXEJN TA' ZERBINOTT UKOLL IRID JAGHMILHA TAL-HELU ...... ghax ma jmorrux isaqsu lis-sinjura Helga dwar dan is-suggett .... imma tinsewx li din is-sinjura li trid tirrapprezenta lil malta fil-parlament ewropew lanqas taf titkellem bil-malti !!!! wiehed ahjar mill-iehor dawn il-kandidati li qed jimbotta 'l quddiem dottor simple simon .....
Stefano Mallia should remember what his past leaders used to say "Anyone can say what they want, but then someone has to decide. and Gonzi used to continue, I am the prime minister and its he who had to decide. As far as I know there is only one Prime Minister in Malta and he comes from the Malta Taghna Ilkoll Party and not the Flimkien Kollox Possibli, so he has the solemn right to decide since he is the Prime Minister. So Stefan Mallia you should be impartial and know that "whats good for the goose is good for the gander". Remember also the the PN got the biggest defeat in the Maltese History so hide yourselves at least till next election.
Childish attempts by PN. They know that what they then called 'Alice in Wonderland' is now coming to fruition. It will give us a 25% cut on our energy bills - unlike the previous government that voted wholeheartedly for higher energy tariffs.
i have just 1 question for steffano did your party buid a heavy oil power unit when the rest of the world knew that lng was cheaper cleaner
Donnu jifhem fil has il boy..................... Donnok trid tghamel hoss bil gass ghax Metsola se tigrii bik
FIRST you have to give us answers re. SCANDALS BWSC, Oil procurement, electricity theft and many more still to come (il-kbir ghadu gej). Ghid lil Roberta Metsola u David Casa sabiex jmorru fil-parlament ewropew u jghidulhom bl-iskandli kollha li ghamel il-gvern tal-PN. Zgur li mhux ser jiskantaw, ghaliex John Dalli kien wiehed mill kapijiet u Ministru Nazzjonalisti, u ghallhekk tal-EP jghafu li il-PN = skandli,tgerfix, tahwid, dejn, pantomini u gennati.