PN says political interference 'weakening' police

Political interference is weakening the police in its fight against criminality, Opposition MP Jason Azzopardi says.

Jason Azzopardi
Jason Azzopardi

Incompetence and political interference over the past year have obstructed the police in its fight against criminality, opposition MP Jason Azzopardi said.

In a statement issued today, the Nationalist MP said that statistics issued by criminologist Saviour Formosa show that in 2013 there was a 13% increase in crime over the previous year.

Noting his concern over what he said was "the biggest increase since 1998," Azzopardi said "a lack of strategy and seriousness in the police forces is sending a message that anything goes, including hundreds of vindictive transfers and unjust promotions for the inner circle."

Overlooking the fact that crime rates have been on a steady rise since 2009, Azzopardi stressed that despite the PN's warnings, the Labour administration had turned the police force into a political tool.

Following the opposition's calls for the resignation of police commissioner Peter Paul Zammit on Wednesday, the MP said that the government was sending a message that "it treats people discriminately even when it comes to people who should undergo criminal investigation."

Yesterday, Azzopardi was among a number of opposition in MPs who called for Zammit's resignation, after claiming that the police received "political orders" not to prosecute Enemalta account holders who are suspected to have bribed Enemalta employees to hack into their smart meters.

Calling for zero tolerance on criminality, the Nationalist MP reiterated that prime minister Joseph Muscat "should stop using the police for his own partisan interests and the forces should serve the common good without prejudice."

Jason int stordut jew? Ghadek ma ndunajtx kemm ilkom tindahlulu x'ghandu jaghmel lil kummissarju. Jew dak mhux indhil politiku.
Jien li nsegwi l-Parlament, tant nisma tghawwig fl-argumenti mressqa li spiccajt nemmen il-kuntrarju. Nitlob lil editur forsi jipprovdi r-recording ta' dak li ntqal fil-fatt fil-qorti, ghax biex tal-PN wasslu biex l-inefficjenzi taghhom, jghadduhom fuq il-gvern prezenti, qed jaslu ghal kollox. Ahseb u ara waslux biex jinterpretaw kif jaqbel lilhom x'intqal minn xi ufficcjal fil-qorti.
It's no secret that the PN opposition simply does not like the CoP. In these last nine months or so since taking office, they have called for the CoP's resignation far more times than Jason's hair count (aktar minn kemm ghandu xahar f'rasu Jason)- excuse the word by word translation from Maltese. Such malicious PN plots are simple and easy to decipher - sow the seeds of mistrust and doubts in the hope that your lies find fertile ground. Unbelievable how able they still think they are(not)to spin and twist facts to their heart's delight!
Ghallura meta EFA iddecida li jaghti mahfra lil Zeppi l-Hafi u aktar tard malajr malajr Gonzi lil Farrugia din x-issejhila undulgenza plenarja? B.min iridu jghaddu iz-zmien dawn?
Fabian Psaila
PNtomimi ta' zmien il-karnival mid-Dar Centrali / Bingo Hall! Ghamlulu te' bil lumi ghal ugieh ta' zaqq!
Iva dawn ma baqalhom xejn aktar x jaghmlu hlief ta kuljum jidru quddiem il gurnalisti u jaghmlu attakk politiku fuq persuna jew ohra li qed tiehu u taghmel xogholha bis serjeta, jew is Sur Azzopardi haseb li il poplu Malti dejjem jidhol filghaxija 'stonjat'u filghodu iqum ghadu sturdut (bhal xi uhud li jilabghuha ta investigaturi hemm gew) u ghalhekk ma jiftakarx il hnizriet li kienu ghaddejjen sa sena ilu taht dawn ill illum iriduha ta paladini tal gustizzja.
Anything good that happens is always attributable to the work of the PN in the past of course and now he conveniently forgets that the PN was responsible for Malta till March so everything as usual is Tort tal-Labour. I still don't see how Jason et al aren't bored of the daily dose of risible babble that they call statements or press conferences. They've become as regular and as boring as clocks!
INT BIS SERJETA SUR AZZOPARDI??!!!Mela kemm konna kollox miexi kif ghandu jkun u perfett that il-PN??!!Mur gibkom ikollkom xi prova li Joseph iltaqa ma xi kriminal maghruf kemm izjed tghidu li kollox miexi hazin u negattiv!!! Sewwa jghidu li it tibna ta haddiehor taraw u it TRAVI taghkom ma tindunawx bih!!!!Halluna nghixu u ibdew agixxu bhala oppozizzjoni serja kif inhu xieraq!!!Mhux anke it tajjeb tridu tghidulu hazin u ikrah!!!Ma tantx konna perfetti tahtkom imam issa qisu li sirtu tifhmu hafna aktar fuq il-pozittiv u in negattiv!!!!
When a country has no serious opposition. that is very worrying.
Mhux ahjar ghal Jason jispjega ftit kif lil papalun tal PN spicca ghaddielu minn butna il fuq minn 6 miljun Ewro. Jason, min imur jaqra l-omeliji fil-knejjes mhux ta bilfors 'qaddis' u 'vergni'.