Update 2 | 'Opposition trying to gag me from revealing extent of scandal’ – Energy Minister

Deputy speaker postpones ruling to Wednesday’s sitting as he urges both sides to read transcripts of the sitting and clarify positions.

Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi has accused the Opposition of trying "to gag" him from revealing the extent of electricity theft from state corporation Enemalta.

This evening's parliament meeting was yet another sitting characterized by shouting and constant interruptions as call for point of orders were made. Mizzi complained that he was at least interrupted eight times without the Opposition giving him enough time to say what he had to say.

Matters worsened when two Opposition MPs said they would 'name' Mizzi - naming an MP is the process through which the Speaker or one of his deputies proposes a vote on the suspension of a member of the House if the Speaker believes that the MP breached the rules of conduct of the House.

Mizzi had just updated parliament on the discovery of 665 files that had been "locked away in a room", when the Opposition insisted that Mizzi should be clear in his wording.

Former finance minister Tonio Fenech, former resources minister George Pullicino and PN deputy leader Mario de Marco, one after the other, called on the minister to substantiate his "allegations or withdraw them".

"If the minister knows that there was a political direction for the files to be stowed away, then he should say it. I can assure him there wasn't any. But he either substantiates or withdraws his allegations," Fenech insisted.

Expressing his "astonishment" with the Opposition's reaction, Mizzi said he was not going to withdraw anything: "You have no shame. The theft exploded under your watch. Under your [PN] administration Enemalta went bankrupt. Tariffs exploded. Yes, you should be ashamed."

He added that the files - opened because the theft had been registered - showed that the previous government knew about the theft but did not take any action.

But the minister reiterated he stood by what he said. At one point, Mizzi said he could not understand how the matter did not carry political responsibility.

Addressing the House at 9:27pm, the deputy Speaker said he would give his final ruling tomorrow.

Galea said Mizzi was referring to political responsibility, but at one stage he said "you threw them [the files] away". This comment prompted the Opposition's intervention.

The deputy speaker said he would provide the two sides of the House with a copy of the transcript, urging Mizzi to clarify what he meant to say tomorrow evening.

"We are on the right side. I have nothing to be ashamed of. But I was interrupted eight times and if they want to gag me, it's their choice. But I stand resolved on the issue. We acted as a government that is tackling various scandals. And I don't think the Opposition should have attacked me in that way," Mizzi said.

The two sides will now read the transcripts, decide on their position and the Speaker will then give his ruling.

In a further bid to calm the situation, Mario de Marco said the Opposition did not want to suspend anyone from parliament: "We are simply calling for an honest debate. We are with government in seeing that anyone responsible for a wrongdoing is investigated."

As the three Nationalist MPs condemned the theft of electricity, they lambasted government for its decision not to take action against the acts of bribery. They said they condemned the putting away of the 665 files and urged the government to investigate the matter in depth and arraign any Enemalta officials found to have been involved.

Officials who should have ensured that the monies should have been recovered but failed to do so should also be questioned, they said.

Fenech said he welcomed that a whistleblower had spoken up on the issue. "We are not here to defend theft and corruption and parliament must be united against these actions. Because, contrary to the allegations being made, we fight corruption," he said.

Fenech accused Mizzi of "shifting the blame on to the politicians, hiding who had effectively bribed and stole".

As they asked whether Enemalta officials had been questioned, the three turned their guns on former Enemalta chairman Louis Giordimaina.

George Pullicino asked whether Giordimaina had any knowledge of the matter "since he was one of the few chairmen to be retained by the Labour administration, and now promoted to AirMalta CEO".

Giordimaina was appointed chairman of Enemalta in 2011, whereas the cases date back to between 2006 and 2011.



The shit is hitting the fan...and the Gonzi-Simon-PN is cowering with fright and noise
Le Bebbuxu, Gorg was counting tuna in the nets. Much more, how shall I put it, a remunerative turn of time.
Priscilla Darmenia
Recently I heard Tonio passing a comment in a short telephone interview that it was impossible for him to go and check door to door on the meters. (or something to this effect – if not the exact words) – As a professional accountant coming from one of the top audit firms in Malta, he should know better that in audits checking is not done on each and every transaction but on a planned sample. – As a minister he showed his incompetence and I have my doubts how competent he is as an accountant after hearing his comment. – In my opinion all this fuss from the opposition is only to hide the shortcomings of their administration and put spokes in the wheels to the government to find the whole truth as the truth would shame a good number of their MPs both present and past. – Yesterday I was watching “Times Talk” with guest Eddie (sorry Edward) Fenech Adami. At one point there was a clip with comments from Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici (not a prime minister that I liked) and in this clip KMB said that EFA was not only a prime minister but a prime giddieb as he twisted facts to suit his party. – It seems that twisting of facts is the family heirloom that the present leadership has inherited from EFA.
@ quixotic. As far as I know this Miriam Dalli is not Miriam Dalli of PL. So I suppose the mistake was genuine.
Gorg Pullicino, donnu f'daqqa wahda qomt minn naghsa, dan x'kien jaqaw qieghed tibza li jinstabu xi files ghand il-Waste Serve. Bhala Ministru kellek hafna successi, Il-Waste Serve, l-Incerinatur tal-Biccerija, il-post ta rikreattiv ta Marsa Skala. Ghidilna kif mal bidla tal-gvern donnom bdewc isiru l-mirakli. L-Incerinatur ma ghadux jahdem bli skossi, il-Waste serve mixja ahjar. u il-Post rikreattiv ta Marsaskala beda miexi kif suppost. L-efficjenzza li urejt kemm domt Ministru kienet tal-wahx
Mario Demarco should distance himself from ex Ministers reigning during this bloodbath of corruption. It is not him whose in the dock. He should not even try to defend the indefensible. I would ask one very simple question: "Which underling at renowned politically embezzled Enemalta would take this decision on him/herself???" NO! THERE HAD TO BE POLITICAL CONNIVANCE, NOT NECESSARILY FROM MINISTERS. Heq, who are those that are appointed by Ministers, who in turn are responsible for the top appointments, who in turn are responsible for the next in line???
Tonio tick tok, ttwerzaq kemm twerzaq hadd ma hu se jemmen li inti ma kontx taf b'dawn il-kontijiet. Jekk veru li ma kontx taf nerga nghidlhekk li inti kont Ministru irresponsabbli ghax Ministru responsabbli ghandu jesigi li fejn ikun hemm hnizrijiet bhal dawn ghandu jkun infurmat, jekk jibqa jsostni li ma kienx infurmat allura qieghed direttament jitfa l-htija fuq in-nies responsabbli fl-EneMalta u kien id-dover sagrosant tieghu li jara li kienu nies ta l-affari taghhom u jekk le ta l-ionqas jixkupahom. U bhala Ministru irresponsabbli inti trid iggor il-htija ghax kien imissek ghad lill Prim Ministru ?Sorry, ghazel lill xi hadd iehor ghax jiena ma hinix tajjeb biex nokkupa dan il-post. Immagina din l-iaskuza johrog biha Chairman tya azjenda privata. Hemm zewg tipi ta dnubiet dnub tal-kummisjoni u dnub tal-ommissjoni.
Labour should keep on unveiling these scandals with relentless stamina. Mhu sew xejn li kulhadd bghata minhabba whud li jafu xghandhom jaghmlu biex ixahhmu u li bla etika u responsabbilta socjali igawdu minn fuq ras l-ohrajn. Kien hemm hotel gawda 100,000 EURO .. fair competition din? Dak it-tali hotel ghandu jkun barra minn kull assocjazzjoni, imharrek u jrid irodd lura dak li ha minn but kulhadd inkluz l-impjegati tieghu stess. Nispera li mhux ha nispiccaw b'xeba zghira fuq idejhom u mahfura jigru fit-toroq ma saqajna. Li hadu jridu jrodduh lura u jzidu mieghu il-hsara kollha li kkagunaw fuq kulhadd.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Fenech accused Mizzi of "shifting the blame on to the politicians, hiding who had effectively bribed and stole". Very convenient for the Opposition to shift the blame on chairmen, civil servants , etc. and totally forget that a Minister is responsible for what happens in all department, co-operations, etc which fall under his responsibility.
According to ex Ministers the PN fights corruption yet during their administrations corruption bloomed!
Whether the PN minister knew about the 650 hidden files or not they are still politically responsible. They have asked for resignations from PL ministers for much less than this. If they governed with close eyes and saw nothing, that is still their responsibility. In the last five years they just did nothing but trying to stay in power.
PN delenda est!
The PN and LP are both corrupt. You scratch my back and I scratch yours.Both of them deserve condemnation of such scandals.Both of them have the share of such corruption.
What did you say Beppe? Did you say that the PN took action against every case of corruption? What about these 66 cases found hidden? Were the people concerned eyes blu by any chance Beppe?
Possibbli l-gherf li nahsbu li ghandu Hon Demarco ma jgieghelx lil shabu jibilghu kliemhom u mhux minflok, ghax daharhom mal-hajt, jippruvaw ihammgu lil haddiehor! Ghajjejna naraw lil PN kuljum joghdos fil-hmieg tieghu li halla ghal snin twal jingemgha.
Miriam, your last sentence (the reference to 2001) is off by ten years (it's 2006 to 2011). Let's pretend it was a genuine typo.
@fwarjahraq: the PN was CORRUPT, is CORRUPT and forever will be CORRUPT because they do not accept the errors of their past. Before they clean their act, for which they have to remove the "brimba" and not cover up for it, the people of these Islands will never trust them with power again.