Robbery from Mosta take-away
Police investigating a burglary from a Mosta take-away during the night from where thousands of euros and cigarettes were stolen

Early this morning the Mosta District Police were informed that there was a break-in at the ‘Chick-King’ take-away in Constitution Street. The robbers stole around €1,500 in cash and another amount, which is still to be determined, was taken from the cigarette vending machine.
Preliminary investigations showed that the robbers managed to force open the aluminium door and once inside the premises, began looting the place. They managed to find the hidden cash and then started to open the vending machine. The amount of money stolen from the machine or the number of packets of cigarettes that were also stolen are not yet known
Police Inspector Joseph Busuttil repaired on site and together with WPS Denise Camilleri started investigating. It is believed that the Police are examining CCTV footage taken from nearby cameras.