Friends of Sliema mayor: ‘Nikki admitted to police under duress’

Friends of Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech who spoke to MaltaToday are claiming the councillor was “forced” to sign a sworn statement admitting guilt.

Close friends of Nikki Dimech have told this newspaper that the Sliema mayor, expelled from his party this week by PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier, was “forced to admit” to having asked for kickbacks on a council contract.

MaltaToday has learnt that Dimech signed two police statements on Wednesday, 11 August.

In the first one, signed at 1pm, he denies outright to interrogating police inspector Angelo Gafà of having demanded a €5,000 commission from a council contractor, Stephen Buhagiar, of Swieqi.

He was then remanded into a police cell, at the Floriana headquarters where he was being interrogated, and reportedly denied his asthma inhaler.

“Nikki was denied his inhaler and by the time he was interrogated a second time, he was having an asthmatic panic attack, and had difficulties breathing,” sources speaking to MaltaToday said.

At 3:30pm, he was taken back into interrogation and at 4pm he signed a second statement, this time admitting having asked for a commission from Buhagiar, for works he carries out for the Sliema council.

“He came back home saying he was desperate by the time he was questioned a second time, and had admitted to the charges to obtain a swift release from the police depot.”

The same sources said Dimech only signed the second statement to be able to go back home as soon as possible, and that pleas to have his inhaler brought to him at the police HQ went ignored. His lawyer was not present during the interrogation either.

According to the statement in which Dimech admits his guilt, he asked for a kickback from Buhagiar before he was awarded the contract. Although Buhagiar refused to pay a ‘commission’, Dimech voted in favour of appointing him as council contractor during the council meeting discussing the works tender.

“He told the interrogating officer that Buhagiar had been a supporter of [former mayor] Robert Arrigo, and that Arrigo expected him to favour his people,” the sources said.

MaltaToday is informed that Buhagiar had previously lent his canvassing services to Nationalist MP Robert Arrigo, who was mayor of Sliema before becoming an MP. Subsequently, his wife Marina Arrigo was elected mayor of Sliema.

“Nikki told police that Buhagiar had asked him for a job at the council, and that he proposed for a tender to be issued by the council for a contractor, and in return he would pay back €5,000 in commissions from some €25,000 a year he would receive on works.”

Dimech was this week ‘expelled’ from the Nationalist Party, but the mayor has vowed to stay on as an independent councillor. In a statement the PN said that Dimech was informed his position was “untenable” and a resignation was expected. “Since Mr Dimech did not resign, the PN no longer considers Dimech a PN representative in the Sliema local council and does not form part of the party’s structures. The PN expects him to immediately resign as mayor and councilor.”

Martin Scicluna
Nikki keep strong. Your friends are supporting you and what they are doing cause u good and they hate you. The Coucillers are against you but be strong. Good L;uck Nikki
Mario Pisani
Like the endless amount of cases of violence supported by the state during that period. My point was that if the above article is true than the battle carried out during that period was in vain if certain things are still happening but then again I don't think you gave yourself time to understand my comment before going all hytserical....
Christian Attard
I agree that the allegation should be investigated but after the official position of the Major is issued. Dont forget we are all speaking about allegations being investigated, let us first wait for the facts and then the Mayor should demand for an investigation (if allowed since prob another threat would be imposed on the Mayor to stay put) nothing is a surprise............perhaps PAUL would like to have a chat on a FRIENDS SUPERYACHT and he may ask for commission but only on the YACHT of Mr. Vassallo - PAUL your days are numbered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was your ugliest move ever
Christopher Galea Scannura
Of course an investigation should be held!!! This is abuse of power by both the police and the PN...shame on them!!! Is this "the law"?? Sorry for being explicit, but you can't call them anything but bastards. Nobody deserves such a treatment, especially in a democratic country, not even someone accused of a serious crime - that is why there is court - let alone, a person who was just supposed to be summoned to give his version of an allegation made by a dishonest person who had been sacked by the council for his dishonesty!!! The statement made by the ex-council employee is hardly incriminating in itself...that is why they needed to go to these measures!!! I am sure that Nikki Dimech WILL speak out, of course he will, however, after he has experienced such treatment and been denied his rights by people (i.e. police) who are there to keep the law, I think he is just being very cautious and not rushing into things... As the saying goes: Iz-zejt dejjem jitla f'wicc l-ilma.... So lets just wait and see...
Alfred Galea
Any specific cases? Like Mistra, 70,0000 sidewalk, 4,000,000 commissions, free flights/tickets, etc etc.
Christian Attard
POLICE - Why doesnt Nikky speak out??? I agree and asked this question all night long and now asked a relative of mine who is a lawyer and he stated "even though now it would be ridiculous to hold a court case since Nikky has been found guilty before even entering any court, he is probably respecting the law and not speaking since he is respecting the law however it would be a court case whereby the supposed confidential information has all been leaked out and doesnt make sense for the magistrate."
Godfrey Borg
If what Nikki is claiming is true, then an investigation is to be held without any delays. At this point I personally side more with Nikky than the police as if this crime (asking for a commission) truly happened I do not see why someone is to be kept in custody on lengthy hours and not see to his/her health emergencies. Remember, those who have asked for millions in commission and refused to cooperate are still free. Mr Nikky, if what you are saying is true, speak up and let everyone know the truth!
Christian Attard
Are we human , are we christian or are we just animals? how can you question someone who is panicked and with an ashma attack or was it on purpose to make him say what they wanted him to say.Obviously a person who is panicked in that situation who someone is asking those seriouse questions with a panick attack and ashma ofcourse that he is gone say what they want him to so that he gets out of that situation and gets his inhaler.Come on how irresponsible people are HEALTH comes first + you should never take advantage of someone who is feeling in that way it is not healthy and makes a person feel stressed .Come on a bit of respect
Albert Zammit
This is a very serious allegation and the Police Corps, as well as the Interior Ministry, should take this up and comment.
serious allegations seem to come and go with not even the slightest whimper. The inhaler claim is a very serious claim and as a next step, the authorities concerned should make a statement. Another very serious allegation concerns the alleged interaction between the TOM and the office of the Prime Minister on Political strategy. These are two important issues that merit immediate attention.
Mario Pisani
There you go Joe South, that makes four things already...
Alfred Galea
Were there local councils in the 70/80s?? What did the PN fight against then?? Perceived Corruption?? Arrogance?? Incompetence?? Unaccountability?? Enlighten us please.
Francesco Micallef
Paul have a break and go find a job that suites you cause your not made for politics,I am very sorry. You have lost a big person in PN he was a honest and kind man. I dont think he needs commission cause i hear that he likes to help poor and people who needs cause he comes from a poor family + people say that he is intelligant and did not need comission from council since he is a successful auditor and people trust him alot. He went into politics cause he felt something has to be changed and people had to be helped and supported . Nikki i am a Sliema resident and dont worry things will come your WAY just believe in ur self coz u should be proud that u r a good person. PLEASE HELP CHANGE THIS CORRUPTION IN THE PARTY NIKKI CAUSE THERE TRYING TO POINT FINGERS ON YOU FOR THINGS YOU paul ARE DOING . paul we dont need people like you if i can call u people.let him work for the sake of this Country lets not be stupid and retarded come on let us grow and to grow we need young people like NIKKI.
Mario Pisani
...than all that PN fought against during the 1970s and 80s was done in vain. Shameful!
Mario Pisani
...than all that PN fought against during the 1970s and 80s was done in vain. Shameful!
joseph mercieca
If it true that Nikky Dimech would jeopardize is reputation and career for a pittance of 5000 Euros, then it is also true toothfairy exists!!! PS About the 400 million commission on the powerstation........................