University students say racism is prevalent in Maltese society
A report carried out by the University Students Council (KSU) shows that majority of students want increased integration of migrants in society.

A recent report carried out by the Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) shows that 74% of UoM students agree that there should be more integration of migrants in Maltese society.
The research, entitled ‘KSU Immigration Report: A students’ view’, consisted of questionnaires distributed to no less than 400 students and further compiled with an online questionnaire and academic consultancy with staff at the University.
“Following the government’s statement in 2013 to force return or push-back asylum seekers, KSU together with various student organisations at University, initiated discussions on campus on this matter,” a statement issued by KSU read.
The questionnaire showed that the majority of University students believe that racism was prevalent in Malta, whilst 78% believe educational reforms could help to reduce such discrimination.
It also revealed that 74% of students agreed with further integration of immigrants in Maltese society, and 61% would have no qualms with having an immigrant as a neighbour.
“An online campaign was also initiated with the aim of educating students on the difference between a migrant, an irregular immigrant, an asylum seeker and a refugee,” KSU said, stressing that awareness campaigns should be introduced to inform people about such differences, as well as to educate the public on the human and legal rights of immigrants.
“A proper educational framework should be implemented by the government to foster a positive view towards integration and diversity in our society.”
KSU called on the government to ensure that the human dignity of all immigrants is safeguarded and suggested that the government should “seriously consider a viable and practical framework to further encourage and promote the integration of those immigrants who have been granted legal protection”.
“This can be achieved by the creation of various integrated communities spread out across the country,” KSU said.