Government launches scheme for band clubs
Scheme to aid musical societies in purchasing musical instruments, parliamentary secretary for youth and sport, Stefan Buontempo says.

Government launched the Band Music Traineeship Scheme for Youths, a scheme aimed at providing financial aid to band clubs in purchasing musical instruments which will in turn be used by the young musicians.
Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Stefan Buontempo stressed the importance of such informal education since it assists in the revival of Maltese traditions.
“It is indeed almost impossible to imagine of any local festive celebrations without the involvement of the local band clubs,” he said.
Acknowledging the importance of the annual Band Music Traineeship Scheme, Buontempo said that through such assistance government is also offering an opportunity to everyone to realise his or her talents.
Buontempo also underlined the fact that many renowned Maltese musicians started their career through their participation in band clubs.