Cabinet reshuffle | Konrad Mizzi takes health, Karmenu Vella is next EU Commissioner
Here is the new Cabinet line-up

With Marie Louise Coleiro Preca poised to become President next week and former tourism minister Karmenu Vella set to pack his bags and fly to Brussels to become Malta's European Commissioner in October, this is how the next Cabinet meeting line-up will look like...
Prime Minister: Joseph Muscat (of course...)
Parliamentary Secretary (Planning): Michael Falzon
Deputy Prime and Minister for European Affairs and the implementation of the electoral manifesto: Louis Grech
Parliamentary Secretary (EU Funds): Ian Borg
Home Affairs and National Security Minister: Manuel Mallia
Minister for Justice, Culture and Local Government: Owen Bonnici
Parliamentary Secretary (Local Government): Stefan Buontempo
Social Policy Minister: Michael Farrugia
Parliamentary Secretary (Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and Active Ageing): Justyne Caruana
Health and Energy Minister: Konrad Mizzi
Parliamentary Secretary (Health): Chris Fearne
Tourism minister: Edward Zammit Lewis
Education and Employment Minister: Evarist Bartolo
Parliamentary Secretary (Research, Innovation, Youth and Sports): Chris Agius
Finance Minister: Edward Scicluna
Foreign Affairs Minister: George Vella
Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Rights: Helena Dalli
Transport and infrastructure Minister: Joe Mizzi
Gozo Minister: Anton Refalo
Economy, investment and small business Minister: Chris Cardona
Parliamentary Secretary (Economic Growth and Competitiveness): Jose Herrera
Sustainable Development, the Environment, and Climate Change Minister: Leo Brincat
Parliamentary secretary (Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights): Roderick Galdes