Yearly average of 440 dogs adopted from Ghammieri

The adoption rate from Ghammieri is of 440 dogs and 160 cats on average every year.

New pet owners tend to prefer adopting dogs over cats.
New pet owners tend to prefer adopting dogs over cats.

The average adoption rate from the government’s animal sanctuary at Ghammieri is of 440 dogs and 160 cats every year.

According to information tabled in parliament by environment minister Leo Brincat, the directorate has launched several activities aimed at promotion the adoption of animals.

The directorate has also launched a website where the public could see photos of animals up for adoption.

“Moreover, a number of officials also appear on radio and TV programmes promoting the adoption of these animals,” Brincat told Nationalist MP Michael Gonzi.

Ghammieri is currently home to some 140 cats and 76 dogs.

In a separate reply, Brincat informed Gonzi that some 32 cats and five kittens were being held in quarantine at Ghammieri.

Between January and February, approximately 420kg of animals who died at Ghammieri or died or were put down at the San Frangisk Animal Welfare Centre were disposed of at WasteServ.