Crowd shouting 'Shame on You' at Opposition MPs. #civilunions
— Sarah (@SarahCarabott) April 14, 2014
[VIDEOS] PM 'proud to be among 20%' backing gay adoptions
Follow us here for the historic vote on civil unions in the House of Representatives • hashtag #civilunions on Twitter

Congrats Malta! Same-sex #civilunions bill just passed, including joint adoption entitlement! Well done @MGRM_Malta!
— ILGA-Europe (@ILGAEurope) April 14, 2014
The vote has passed. #civilunions in Malta are now a reality. People are dancing in the square. We love you all.
— MGRM (@MGRM_Malta) April 14, 2014
Wedding cake in St George's Square, Valletta ● #civilunions
— MGRM (@MGRM_Malta) April 14, 2014
St George's Square tonight
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) April 14, 2014

Congratulations on the Civil Unions bill. Finally!! #equality #civilunions #malta
— Mel Hart (@melahart) April 14, 2014
Tonite all MPs should vote for equal rights to all Maltese citizens & consign bigotry and intolerance to trash heap of history
— Vanni Xuereb (@vx64) April 14, 2014
Preparing for the paaarrrrtttyyy!!!! #civilunions #lgbti
— aditus foundation (@aditusNGO) April 14, 2014
Unimpressed with PN. This is a great day for Malta and they've decided to sulk in the bleachers. #equality #civilunions
— Nel Pace (@Widd3rshins) April 14, 2014
PN supports Civil Unions but has reservations on gay adoptions. The two should have been kept separate. This is why we will abstain.
— David AGIUS (@davidagiusmp) April 14, 2014
Time to be positive. Unite to celebrate an historic day as Malta legalises civil unions. @MGRM_Malta @JosephMuscat_JM #Malta moving forward.
— Kurt Farrugia (@KurtFarrugia) April 14, 2014
PN has reservations regarding gay adoptions... gay people have been adopting for years, just not as a couple #reality #family #civilunions
— We Are (@WeAre_Malta) April 14, 2014
PN supports Civil Unions but has reservations on gay adoptions. The two should have been kept separate. This is why we will abstain.
— Simon Busuttil (@SimonBusuttil) April 14, 2014
Number of government MPs sporting rainbow ribbons in parliament #civilunions
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) April 14, 2014
There is no such thing as a' la carte #equality. You either believe in it or not. We do -JM #civilunion #Malta
— Joseph Muscat (@JosephMuscat_JM) April 14, 2014
About bloody time too! Congratulations to all my gay friends in Malta -...
— Joseph Calleja (@MalteseTenor) April 14, 2014
@SimonBusuttil reiterates adoptions should have been separate from #civilunions. Says 80% of Maltese are against gay adoptions
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) April 14, 2014
@SimonBusuttil asks how much Maltese society is prepared for gay adoptions #civilunions; reiterates abstention is 'balanced' position
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) April 14, 2014
@SimonBusuttil says abstention vote due to gov preferring to 'divide' rather than 'to seek unity' #civilunions
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) April 14, 2014
what's the use of setting up an equal opportunities branch for PN and then abstaining on a crucial vote a feww weeks later? #civilunions
— Andrew Camilleri (@Andruwn) April 14, 2014
Press briefing on civil unions vote by Simon Busuttil #civilunions #live
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) April 14, 2014
Preparations for #civilunions party in Valletta underway
— Jurgen Balzan (@jurgenbalzan) April 14, 2014
Getting ready at the Ministry for Civil Liberties for tonight's vote and celebrations #equality
— Cyrus Engerer (@engerer) April 14, 2014
Tomorrow morning many lesbian & gay couples will wake up as spouses! Hurrah for mutual recognition in the #civilunions #lgbti
— aditus foundation (@aditusNGO) April 14, 2014
Here's a reaction to Claudette Buttigieg's @butclaudette comments on gay adoptions, by Silvan Agius @SilvanAgius, the human rights policy coordinator in the ministry for civil liberties
I’m writing to respond to the following claim by Hon. Buttigieg reported on “Adoptions and civil unions should not have been placed together. Adoption is not the right of a heterosexual or homosexual couple, but a child’s right. I think we are confusing the people with this sort of imposition. Society has its reservations and it’s our duty to delve deeper.”The Maltese government, has always insisted that adoption is a children’s right and not a parents’ right. In fact, the formulation of the civil unions bill clearly indicates this, as same-sex and different-sex civil partners will have to go through the same adoption procedure that is currently applied to adoptions by married partners. Once again, the Prime Minister and Minister Dalli have stressed this point on countless occasions.
Aside from the above, the Civil Unions Act that will be adopted today, will not have a reference to adoptions. It is the Civil Code that will be amended to ensure that civil partners have equal access to adoption as heterosexual partners.
It is baffling to see that Hon. Buttigieg is repeated her same old statements when she was present in Committee when Prof. Angela Abela clearly state that there is no study that supports the continuation of the current discriminatory legislation, and that it is the manner in which parents care for their children that matters, and not their sexual orientation.
Hon. Buttigieg should do her part, and inform those people who may still be confused, by ensuring that she portrays the scope of the bill fairly.
Claudette Buttigieg's statement on civil unions exposes PN's prejudice towards gay parents #civilunions #mgrm_malta
— Joey (@jbrunovella) April 14, 2014
Today Malta parliament will have final vote on same-sex #civilunions. Go Malta, make your country example of equality & dignity for all!
— Juris Lavrikovs (@JurisLavrikovs) April 14, 2014
It is believed that the PN will abstain.
However, she says it’s evident for everyone that “we would have been happier if the issue of adoptions was treated as a separate matter from civil unions”.
“Adoptions and civil unions should not have been placed together. Adoption is not the right of a heterosexual or homosexual couple, but a child’s right. I think we are confusing the people with this sort of imposition. Society has its reservations and it’s our duty to delve deeper.”
Buttigieg insists that the matter was rushed with and that “it could have been handled better”.
We legislated on #civilunions with the humility which comes from having a flawed national record in the area of equality for #LGBTI citizens
— Helena Dalli (@helenadalli) April 14, 2014
Hoy #Malta da un paso importante hacia la #IgualdadLGBT Aprobará Unión Civil con adopción y homologación d #MatrimonioIgualitario extranjero
— Esteban Paulon (@epaulonlgbt) April 14, 2014
Three votes will be taken at 9pm: the vote on the civil unions bill; the vote on a constitutional amendment – proposed by PN MP Claudette Buttigieg – to include “sexual orientation” to be added to the fundamental rights and freedoms protected by the state; and the vote on the Opposition’s motion.
I hope that today will be remembered as the day when #equality won over #prejudice. #CivilUnions are not only for gays, but for a new #Malta
— Silvan Agius (@SilvanAgius) April 14, 2014
Good morning everyone!!! I am really happy that peoples' love and commitment are being celebrated today. It is...
— Ira Losco (@iralosco) April 14, 2014
#LGBT rainbow flag draped over @partitlaburista headquarters #civilunions
— MaltaToday (@maltatoday) April 14, 2014
Jum storiku għal Malta. Kburin li kkontribwejna biex ikun hawn iktar kuxjenza dwar l-ugwaljanza u l-ġustizzja soċjali.
— Arnold Cassola (@ArnoldCassola) April 14, 2014
Today is an important Day for Malta, just wish that the party I love so much could have done more to get to this day
— Karl Gouder (@kgouder) April 14, 2014
The Maltese parliament will tonight vote on a historic bill legislating for full equality between married couples and civil unions for both heterosexual and homosexual couples.
The law will also give gay unions the right to adopt children.
The bill was promised by the Labour Party during its 2013 election campaign, and marks one of Malta's greatest steps ever towards full equality for LGBT people.
The Nationalist Party has not opposed the civil unions but expressed its reservations on allowing gay couples to adopt.
”Every episode of abuse and discrimination, every battled we fought convinced us that we couldn’t lose this battle”.