Greens warn against loopholes on decriminalisation
AD - ‘Step towards decriminalization of drugs for personal use is fine, but warns against loopholes’

Alternattiva Demokratika has welcomed a new direction by the Prime Minister for talks on the decriminalisation of drugs for first-time offenders, but has called for a serious appraisal of drug laws.
“We are glad to see that after following in Alternattiva Demokratika’s footsteps on divorce and then civil unions, now the Prime Minister has also convinced himself that AD’s proposal on decriminalisation of drugs for personal use is a valid one too. Kudos to the Prime Minister,” AD chairperson Arnold Cassola said.
“But how is he going to reconcile his stand on this issue with his star candidate’s, Alfred Sant, who is adamant against the decriminalisation for personal use?” Cassola said, referring to MEP candidate and former Labour leader Alfred Sant.
AD spokesperson for social policy Robert Callus said: “At long last the government is realising what harm the war on drug users is doing to our society and intends to do something about it. However, unlike Muscat, AD suggests that it is not only first-time offenders who should not be treated as criminals for simple possession for personal use.
“Will people still get arrested until it's established whether they’re first-time offenders? And what about the second offence of people whose only ‘crime’ is simple possession for personal use? While such a move by government is commendable, it is equally important that the devil in the detail of the law doesn’t make it ineffective.”