Klabb 316 and Skolasajf join forces
Government summer schools will be extending their opening hours

'Klabb 316' and the government summer schools will be joining forces this year in a bid to increase opening hours and offer more affordable prices for summer schools, Education Minister Evarist Bartolo announced this morning.
Addressing the media at the Siggiewi Primary School, Bartolo said the programme will now cater for 46 centres between 7am and 5.30pm, including three in Gozo.
"This amendment in the programme came after a substantial demand from parents to do so. At the same time, we are ensuring this is another educational service that parents can make use from, and should not be seen as a place where to 'park' your children for a few hours," the Education Minister underlined.
The programme will now cost €25. Prior to this, Klabb 316 costed €1.20 per hour and was now being reduced to 80c.
This year's programme will focus on social, cultural and historic aspects of the Mediterranean region, and will be supported by Valletta-18 foundation and Heritage Malta.