10th Puttinu Cares marathon kicks off
The annual Puttinu Cares fund-raising marathon returns at the Marsa Sports Ground.

The 10th annual Puttinu Cares football marathon kicked off this morning at 10.45am.
The opening match was played between the under-19 women national squad and the special Olympics football team, while kick-off was given by President Coleiro Preca and a 12-year old boy attending Rainbow Ward for treatment.
The marathon is the main financial contributor to the charitable institution, which seeks to offer free accommodation to patients who require treatment from UK hospitals.
Puttinu Cares currently owns 16 apartments near the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton which hundreds of families made use of them free of charge. Overall, these apartments are valued at 4.4 million euros out of which 1.4 million still needs to be repaid back.
During the 60-hour marathon, one may also purchase authentic sports memorabilia such as match-worn shirts and autographs of world-class players. More information on these items can be found on puttinucaresauction.com
Live entertainment will be provided throughout the marathon, including a concert on Friday night with a foreign tribute band for U2 and a Tina Turner tribute act. Entrance is free.