Teachers’ union declare trade dispute over inclusion coordinators
MUT declares trade dispute on failure in issuing of call for applications for inclusion coordinators1

The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) has declared a trade dispute with the Directorate for Educational Services (DES) with regards to the failure in issuing of Call of Applications regarding Inclusion Coordinators (INCOs).
The union said that more than a month had passed since it was told that this call for applications for the much-needed post of INCO was at the Public Administration and Human Resources Office for capacity building purposes.
“Unfortunately, however, it appears that this call is still stuck somewhere in the bureaucratic process with no indication whatsoever on when it is going to be issued,” MUT said in a statement.
The union said it was also concerned about the injustice being perpetrated on “acting” INCOs who are being made to do a job for which they are neither being remunerated nor recognised.
“Apart from being in breach of the agreement, the lack of support from the Directorates that these persons are apparently being subjected to is not only detrimental to themselves but moreover to the vulnerable students they support, most of whom suffer from a disability or serious difficulties.”
The union said it had declared a trade dispute with the DES and that by Tuesday, 10 June it will be issuing directives to all its members who are currently “acting INCOs” and to all other members so as not to take over their work.