Domestic violence campaign during world cup games
A poster campaign aims to transmit a zero tolerance approach to domestic abuse.

The Commission on Domestic Violence has teamed up with NGOs ‘Men against Violence’ and ‘Rainbow Support Service’ to launch an awareness campaign on domestic violence in the coming weeks.
Coinciding with the World Cup tournament, the initiative will revolve around a poster campaign focused in bars, restaurants and pubs, which are likely to be the most-frequented places during the world cup tournament.
The poster campaign will aim to send the message that domestic violence is a reality that touches all strata of society and which does not make a distinction between age and class.
It also highlights that victims can be both males and females of any sexual orientation. The general public is called upon to stand together to combat domestic violence.
Domestic violence is an imbalance in power and control within a relationship which could be manifested by using physical, psychological, emotional, sexual and financial abuse.
Through the poster campaign, the Commission on Domestic Violence aims at promoting zero tolerance on this abuse.