2014 spring hunting season report online
Parliamentary secretary for animal rights Roderick Galdes reiterates drastic increase in deterrents for illegal hunting • Report says less illegal shooting and trapping of protected species reported.
A detailed report, which provides an extensive review of the 2014 spring hunting season has been published on the Wild Birds Regulation Unit’s website.
The report describes decision-making process leading to the application of a spring hunting derogation, analysis of autumn 2013 bag data and an assessment of the present conservation status of Turtle Dove and Quail.
It includes the necessary preparatory measures and regulatory controls effected prior to and during the season, scientific assessment of the migratory influxes of these species during the spring season, the reported hunter catches, enforcement efforts in place to ensure strict supervision, statistics pertaining to disclosed hunting-related offences and corresponding enforcement action taken, as well as the legal and other management aspects of relevance.
“The information presented in the report leaves little doubt over Government’s commitment to ensuring adherence, in the strictest manner possible, to the parameters of the limited spring hunting derogation, and to general implementation of the Birds Directive,” the parliamentary secretary for animal rights, Roderick Galdes, said.
Amongst various actions underscoring this commitment, the report documents implementation of improved verification mechanisms for bag data reporting and collection, specific measures to improve the quality and reliability of autumn bag data.
According to the government, this means mandatory licence return requirements and penalties for late return. It reports an “exceptionally” high rate of licence return achieved in February 2014 and the implementation of four levels of data extraction quality checks.
The report claims transparency in the decision-making process, such as discussions with stakeholders within the Malta Ornis Committee, stepping up communication with hunters and the public, compliance promotion campaign in the media, regular public updates on the progress of enforcement operations, prior consultations with the European Commission and scientific consideration of the conservation status of the species concerned.
“The report also documents drastic increase in legal deterrents and penalties for bird-related crime and hunting violations, drastic increase in enforcement deployment in the field and a decline in the number of serious hunting-related violations,” the parliamentary secretariat said.
The report makes specific reference to a reduction in incidence of illegal shooting or trapping of protected species, as well as a mature and robust multi-layered system of controls over hunting activity, including through special licensing requirements, SMS and Carnet de Chasse reporting, restrictions pertaining to time and space and other controls.
“During the limited spring hunting season, the intensity of the enforcement effort, the level of preparation, communication and coordination amongst the different entities was nothing short of exemplary and is simply unprecedented both in Malta and possibly elsewhere in Europe,” Galdes added.