Sliema mayor tells IAID that Borg Olivier told him which firm to choose for €1.2m tender

Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech told the IAID inquiry he had been directed by PN secretary-general about whom to award a €1.2 million waste recovery tender.

PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier has denied allegations by Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech, that he directed him which company to appoint for waste recovery services at the Sliema council.

Details have emerged of how Paul Borg Olivier directed Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech to tell councillors to choose a company – Green MT – to provide the council with waste recovery services.

Dimech has told the Internal Audit Investigations Department, which was running an inquiry into alleged financial mismanagement inside the Sliema council, that Borg Olivier directed him to choose Green MT: a company owned by the GRTU (Chamber of SMEs).

Dimech told the IAID that Borg Olivier called him 15 minutes before the start of a council meeting, instructing him to choose Green MT for the €1.2 million tender.

In a reaction later yesterday evening, Borg Olivier said the allegations were unfounded and that he would take legal action against Dimech. Borg Olivier has also sued MaltaToday on two separate news items dealing with the Sliema electoral district.

Minutes of a meeting held at the Sliema council on 20 January, 2010 shows that representatives of both Green MT and another waste recovery company Greenpak, presented councillors with details of their offers.

Dimech then followed Borg Olivier’s directive by proposing that the council choose Green MT, and was seconded by Labour councillor Martin Debono, and the four councillors present – Yves Cali, Edward Cuschieri, Julian Galea and Patrick Pace – voted in favour.

Dimech also told the IAID inquiry that a former executive secretary, Althea Borg, signed the waste recovery contract with the GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia, without Dimech's approval. This meant the contract was never officially approved by the mayor.

Borg Olivier has not denied having held conversations with Dimech on the subject, before the contract decision was taken.

MaltaToday asked Borg Olivier to comment on the conversations he held with Sliema councillors before the meeting to decide on the tender issued to Green MT, and of any conversation he had with Vince Farrugia on the same tender.

The secretary-general replied: “There is no tender that has been issued to Green MT by the Sliema local council. Hence, your questions are speculative.”

Borg Olivier is aware that the tender was never signed, because Dimech had complained to him that he had not been present during the contract's signing.

Dimech’s claims to the IAID, a unit inside the Office of the Prime Minister, may offer clues into Green MT’s considerable economic activity in Nationalist-led councils, and what degree of influence Paul Borg Olivier holds on commercial decisions inside these same councils.

Yesterday Borg Olivier said the allegations are an attempt to intimidate and tarnish the PN after Dimech was expelled from the party for admitting to police that he asked for commissions in a tender award.

"Dimech has lost all political credibility based on his actions that totally lack correctness, ethicality and honesty, and this apart from the fact he is also being investigated by the IAID on allegations related to a breach of financial rules in the award of a tender on fairy lights and other direct orders," Borg Olivier said.

"No allegation or mud-slinging will stop the PN from its commitment to correct behaviour in politics."

Nikki Dimech is the first independent mayor of Sliema now that he has presented his formal letter of resignation to the PN, along with that of councillor Sandra Camilleri.

Dimech last week was ‘expelled’ from the Nationalist Party. In a statement the PN said that Dimech was informed his position was “untenable” and a resignation was expected.

According to earlier MaltaToday reports, Dimech was expected to be charged over bribery after filing an admission of guilt to Police Inspector Angelo Gafà of the Economic Crimes Unit. During interrogation, 31 year-old Dimech reportedly admitted he asked a council contractor for commission, but he claimed with MaltaToday that he signed the admission “under duress”.

Sandra Camilleri will be resigning after PN secretary-general Borg Olivier coerced the PN councillor into signing a declaration “against her will” to oust Nikki Dimech as Sliema mayor and nominate Johanna Gonzi instead.

Rita Pizzuto
Having followed very closely the going-on around the Sliema local Council, the Delimara Power station extension contract to mention just a couple of instances, I have come to the conclusion that there's no difference between the Nationalist Party, The United States and the Israeli government. All three are arrogant, all three treat human beings as trash and all three have strong propaganda machines to give one the impression that they god's gift to mankind!
PBO you are a disgrace to your family surname. You should take the easiest way out and do some skydiving less a parachute. Don't worry no state funerals for your likes just a sigh of relief and good riddance. P.S. No need to tell you there are others whom you should invite to join you some still in power and others emeritus this and that, you know what I mean..go on do it for your country.
Immaterial of pressure by any party individual, the Mayor has to answer for his own actions. The man could have said no (after all he is the mayor) and in any case since when is a tender awarded by one man's say so whether the mayor or anybody else. Tender evaluation should be a proscribed technical process and award of any contract bar small ones should be a result of that technical evaluation process open to all to inspect if need be. Francis Borg - Liverpool
Christopher Galea Scannura
If the IAID is serious, which I believe it is, then they should proceed with an interrogation, just like they did with Dimech...afterall that is what they are there for. They have every right to request to see the call logs...and if PBO is so sure he did not call Dimech then he has nothing to lose... However, if they do find that the call was placed, I am sure he will invent some new story as to why he called Dimech that day!!! Pity nobody believes him anymore!!!
Charles Caruana
How many gallons of crocodile's tears were shed by Fenech Adami on the roots of corruption? Yes they are all "emeritus", emeritus for having milked and sucked dry Malta's coffers, " ghal uliedhom"! No wonder Malta is living day in day out, the SOPRANO's high ethical standards !
Christian Attard
PBO - if you really have high ethical standards, and Dimech is unethical, prove on your NET TV the phone call made or not. Dimech can easily present his list of calls received also and if a phone call made by PBO 15 minutes before on 20th January 2010 is registered, than you should fly away and from this Island since you are the biggest liar, loser and dumb person the PN has had as one of its members. This will end this whole story. Please Mr. Balzan get it out as a headline as this will prove all.
Christopher Briffa
The double standards are mind boggling. So many PN members and Ministers have been suspected of sleaze and no action was ever taken. Then they come down on a novice Councillor like a tonne of bricks. If Nikki is proven to have done anything wrong, he should be held accountable but what is more important is that these newly found high ethical standards should be applied across the board by the PN and by Government. This whole episode is making Malta look more and more like a Banana Republic where when the powers that be want to get rid of someone they suddenly start investigating all aspects of that persons like until they come up with some charges against the person. Dear PBO Putin would be proud of you! Truly a banana republic in the EU!
Luke Camilleri
Instead of filing libel cases to play home, Dr. Paul Borg Olivier can give the Internal Audit Investigations Department, which was running the inquiry the list of mobile calls made on the day when it is alleged, until proven otherwise, that Borg Olivier directed him to choose Green MT: a company owned by the GRTU (Chamber of SMEs). It is quite easy to trace the of the council meeting and one can obtain, with PBO's consent the list of mobile calls made fromhis cell phone an hour before the meeting! Do it PBO, Do it !
The PN's looooonnnnnggggg hot summer.
joseph mercieca
This is the Party that is against Divorce because of its catholic values. You'r not funny but pathetic. And to think that this Party of holier than thou whitewashed sepulchers was is and ever shall be supported by the Catholic Church. Hey smiling bishop, prove me wrong and tell us what you think about the ethical and moral degredation that this Christian Party is immersing our country into. Should we just look the other way and let a young man who desired to be of service to others be mangled. Is this normal in Catholic Malta? or are you too busy with the coming crusade against divorce?!!
Joe Tanti
Wow.Is this for real? Is this the whiter than white PN machine at work?At last Dr.Alfred Sant has been vindicated when he used torefer to Friends of Friends and scratch my back and Ill scratch yours when addressing the octopus of graft in local politics.Pn ,the GRTU they look like they are sharing the same bed and sleeping together and satisfying each other.How about it Mr.Vince Farrugia ,what is your responce to this Green/Sliema Locall Council drama,it seems that your GRTU Green company has a lot to answer for re these contracts?Just like the maltese saying:Oil will eventually rise to to the surface and so will s**t which looks like theres a lot floating around Sliema.
Keith Goodlip
PN from its commitment to correct behaviour in politics????? The PN's recent history belies this statement. I always reckoned politicians have defective memories, this proves it.
John Paul Sciberras
PN's great summer of discontent
Albert Zammit
PBO: were you correct and ethical to go off on Zaren's yacht this summer? I rest my case, QED!
Jekk taghti il lala tghidx kemm ghad jinkixfu borom sewwa kien ghid Dr.Alfred Sant hokkli dari u jien inhokk tieghek kemm ipprovaw dak iz zmien jirridikulahx Fenech adami GonziPn u shabu imma iz zejt ftit ftit tiela fil WICC u qed jaghti ragun lil bniedem SINCIER bhal ma kien Dr Alfred Sant
Carmen Borg
U MELA HUX !!!!!!!! Arhom diga qed izarma l-iskrivanija u jitfa l-affarijiet tieghu fil-kaxxa tal-kartun !!! mwahahahaha Mela ma tafux li dawn in-nies jighxu bit-theddid u korruzjoni jew?
Christopher Galea Scannura
So does this mean that by tomorrow morning PBO is going to be expelled from the party now?