From party clubs to Facebook
PN youth movement president Matthew Agius on how the party is reaching out to young persons using new technology

In today’s digital world one of the best places to come across and communicate with young people is Facebook.
The PN youth branch president Matthew Agius told Sunday newspaper Illum that although traditional party clubs (kazini) are still useful in certain localities and rural areas, young people can be reached easier on social media sites.
“If we want to reach them we have to create a Kazin on the social media they know best,” he says.
Agius speaks about his insistence that one third of all PN party committees, district or national, should be made up of youths.
He expresses concern on the large swathes of the electorate who opted to stay home in the recent European elections and insists that the PN needs to convince people to vote and most of all to vote for the opposition.
When asked about the dominance and strong hold of the De Marco, Fenech Adami and the Mifsud Bonnici families on the Nationalist Party, Agius said that he does not see these families as some kind of dynasties but individuals who have their own respective strengths and who all have the party’s best interest at heart.
On his personal political career aspirations, Agius says that what’s most important for him right now is securing a PN victory in the next elections.
When pressed, he declared that if formally asked by the PN leadership to contest the next elections as a PN candidate he would accept.
Read the full interview on today’s edition of Illum