Fishing trawler capsizes at Fekruna Bay
Owner confirms that nobody was on board

The 24ft fishing trawler that capsized in Fekruna Bay. Photo John Pisani

Photo John Pisani

Photo John Pisani

Photo John Pisani
There was some tension earlier this afternoon when the Civil Protection Department received a call that a boat, probably a cabin cruiser, had capsized just outside Ferkruna Bay limits of Xemxija.
In just a few minutes, CPD personnel from the Xemxija Station arrived on the scene but the owner, a man from Mosta, confirmed that it was his 24ft fishing trawler that had capsized, and that there was nobody onboard.
Police from the Rapid Intervention Unit were also dispatched on the scene. However, there was little they could do.
The owner made all the arrangements to have his fishing vessel brought to shore. So far it is not known how or why the trawler capsized.