San Gwann PN mayor to be charged for corruption after son admits similar charges

San Gwann PN Mayor John Agius is expected to be charged with soliciting bribes after his son admitted Saturday to similar charges of corruption. Agius immediately resigned after his 32 year-old son admitted in court yesterday to charges of corruption relating to a council contract.

Noel Agius was charged under arrest by Inspector Angelo Gafa' for approaching waste collection companies that were tendering for the San Gwann Local Council and asked for commissions.

Agius was arrested on Thursday and interrogated at length by the police from the Economic Crimes Unit and arraigned Saturday morning before Magistrate Gabriella Vella.

Following his admission, Agius was sententeced to two years imprisonment suspended for four years, and was given a perpetual general interdiction.

MaltaToday is informed that the San Gwann Mayor has been hospitalised for heart failure on Friday and submitted his resignation as mayor yesteray. His resignation was accepted by the PN and added in a statement that it had reported the case to the police after recieving information from third parties. Agius is expected to be charged once he is discharged from hospital.

The news is set to cause further turmoil for the PN after a string of events that have rocked various PN-led local councils.

During August, PN Santa Venera Mayor Elizabeth Vella resigned after a governmental report found irregularities in the handling of council funds, and Gharb Deputy Mayor resigned from the PN after being arrested and charged with statutory rape.

Meanwhile investigations continue into a series of alleged irregularities at the Sliema Local Council.

Mayor Nikki Dimech together with councilor Sandra Camilleri resigned from the PN after they were reportedly singled-out by the party administration over an investigation into alleged bribery brought against Dimech.

Connie Saliba
I am not going into the merit of wether he is guilty or not - I just want to remark and ask OF WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN MALTA - a person cannot be arrested more than 24 hours - again we want to know what happened in the 36 hours and more of when this guy was in the custody of the police - now listen again wether gonzi will stay in gov or not - he shall have to account for what might happen in the future???? You are all mad to allow this - there might be other circumstances where a person losses his rights as citizen of Malta and gives up to a statement - Dear paul you are un-professional - qed thawwad - hu tigi taqa u tqum mil knoswegwenzi li jistu jigru il quddiem - So the Arrigo clan is slowly being eliminated - so is the NATIONALIST PARTY. Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giving back the lead to others to follow this example - paul did you enjoy yourself at SAN Lawrenz gozo.
Albert Zammit
Please, stop it. You are doing exactly what you say you don't want to do: justifying crime! No wonder I continue repeating that bribery, fraud and this kind of crime is part of our Maltese DNA! Shame! Anyway, we don't know who you are - you may yet be part of some correction exercise!
Albert Zammit
It seems that I was right, all along! The Mayor himself is now being charged. Quoting you: 'there is NOTHING to suggest that the mayor was involved in anything illegal.....and I wouldn't put it past this "convicted criminal"to have stolen information without his father's knowledge....And again, it has nothing to do with PN Councils, just the son of a PN Mayor. Like Joe Friday used to say "just the facts ma'ám. Just the facts, now, Joe South. What have you got to say for yourself? Tkomplix tpaxxihom u tipprotegihom. Dak li hu abjad, sejjahlu abjad, dak li hu iswed, sejjahlu iswed.
Lara Boffa
I do not see any team work in this council not from PN nor MIP all members are in conflict and this cannot be a solution for us residents.We know that Mayor get some type of wage while I was informed by a friend of mine that councillors are suppos to get paid by gov and jet no payments are jet given to them.I happen to be a very dedicated resident and even if i dont agree with some issues of the council i see it very unfair that these councillor that do their best for the locality are being attacek the way you are doing.Their is a saying in the bible "Min jahseb li qatt ma ghamel zball jitfa l-ewwel gebla".I don' think that anybody can throw the first stone and you know why becouse we are human and human make mistakes and learn or some of them do. I used to think that in the council the job is easy and said i can do this but than taking a good look and as I investiagted I realized that the council if overloaded by responsabilty it makes alot of job aspecially work that should be done from other big heads. Every councillor is incharge of a responsability that is the cleaing of road, the signs of roads,the street lamps, road maintinase etc...... And this job is done all with no wage. I cannot imaging my self trying to take care of my job my family my issues and than the council it hard man and nobody knows it exept the councillors in charge you could go to the council too because every time i go its so busy that the clarks look tired and i really have pitty for them.Even if an agressive person starts to attack(and this happend just right infront of my eyes) and get they insult them they remain calm and try to explain strictly speaking if I was them i would start shouting and hit my head i had waited for 10 min to pay a fine and all the panic their was i could not believe my eyes and ears they do a lot of job as i saw in those mins they do permits, book for wardens,pay fines and the most upsetting thing that every time the clerks hang up the phone after taking complaint etc.. the phone would re start to ring and if i had a gun i would had destroyed all the phones they hved in their office Its bad what the mayor son has done but i don't see how anyone can say that the mayor might had passed information.As i told you i am a person that like to help and get information about my locality, and as far as i know when there are tenders i happen to see them even issued on the local news paper and all others and on notice boards so any information could be read out loud by any body.I heard too that for tenders ,books are sold from the council to inform any one who would like to apply what regulations are needede to win the tender. Hope that our locality starts to get better from now on day by day i am freally looking forward for this
Joseph Sant
I am not a Nationalist supporter but I happen to personally know Mr John Agius. I know him to be an upright man and am not at all surprised to hear that he suffered cardiac arrest upon learning what his son had done. All local councils are in turmoil and in my view the reason is very simple - the individuals involved are burdened with too many responsibilities and personal liabilities while at the same time they receive no remuneration at all. In my opinion this is totally unjust - people should be decently remunerated for the work they do. When they are not paid they find themselves only one step away from taking illegally what the state should pay them by right. I am not trying to justify anyone but the whole local council legislation should be thoroughly reviewed - it just doesn't make sense. Meanwhile I wish John Agius a speedy recovery.
Albert Zammit
Just facts? U minn fejn dat-tifel tas-sindku kiseb l-informazzjoni? U b'liema awtorita' dawn in-negozjanti gharfu li t-tifel tas-sindku kellu s-sahha li jaghmel li qalilhom li jista' jaghmel? Nerga' nghidlek: ghandek il-fatti quddiemek u tibqa' tirrifjuta li temmen u tipprotegi partit skadut! Kompli, siehbi, sejjer hekk. Mhux ta' b'xejn jidhku il-politikanti li ghandna - ghax jezistu nies vutanti, boloh u injuranti bhalek!
Jurgen Axiaq
The Prime Minister has to answer for all this. He has to lead by example. The nation deserves some serious answers with regards to the BWSC contract. Dr. Gonzi has pushed the Maltese people to accept corruption as part of everyday life.
Nahseb li sewwa qallek Michael001 Joe South li qed tghix kullimkien imbarra Malta kif jista ikun it tifel tas sindku ma jkollux informazjoni min xi hadd biex certi kumpaniji jiehdu l-offerti huma qed imorru tajjeb il kunsilli ma dawn li jigbru iz zibel ghax kollha qed jakkwistaw int tahseb li il kunsilliera qed johorgu ghax ihobbu lir rahal jew il pajjiz taghhom Hallina Joe South daqs kemm il kandidati tal partiti ilkbar mhux biex jakkwistaw johorgu ghal l-elezjoni ara dawn it tosti QATT ma tarahhom ir rahal jew il belt taghhom pero meta tkun qorbot l-elezjoni tarahhom kollha gejjin bieb bieb jitolbuk il VOT veru ma jafux jisthu HALLUNA kwiet Hadd ma jaghmel xejn ta xejn
Christopher Galea Scannura
This convinces me even more of Nikki Dimech's frame up.. Mr Agius was arrested on Thursday and because there was a case, he was tried and prosecuted, as is his right, before being declared guilty. Oh...and apart from being very discreet, the party has not expelled or prepared motions against anyone!!! On the contrary, Nikki has been condemned and declared guilty by the party and the press...expelled...backstabbed etc... without having even been prosecuted... But the party requires its representatives to be ethical, right Mr PBO???
joseph mercieca
Just another example of how those having the blessing oh GomziPN are trying to eat as much cake as possible as the end of the party is reaching the end. I hope that a Labour administration is keeping a list of these rats so that someday they will face justice. If Labour fails to give these vermin thier just deserts it would be guilty of being thier accomplice.
Alfred Galea
I base my comments on what the evidence shows not on what I think. According to the article there is NOTHING to suggest that the mayor was involved in anything illegal.....and I wouldn't put it past this "convicted criminal"to have stolen information without his father's knowledge. And again, it has nothing to do with PN Councils, just the son of a PN Mayor. Like Joe Friday used to say "just the facts ma'ám.
Albert Zammit
U tippruvax tghatti x-xemx bl-gharbiel! Tahseb li n-nies injuranti, bahl certi whud li ghalihom il-partit taghhom kollox? Tahseb int li 'preception' biss hemm? U hallina!
Albert Zammit
Siehbi, jaqaw int ghajnejk maghluqa? Jew liebes nuccali blu? It-tifel tas-sindku kif jista' jkun ikun jaf min huma t-tenderers jekk mhux minghand xi hadd qrib tieghu? Kif jista' jkun iben sindku jkun jaf lil min ghandu jkellem? U tahseb int li xi hadd jaghmel xi haga ghalxejn? Iddahhaqx.
Albert Zammit
What all this shows is that many people who are coming forward for election in local councils are not being pushed by their altruistic sense or their community spirit in serving the public but they are pushed by self-interest. It also shows what the Maltese really are: we are a nation of hypocritical bastards; we are a nation of dirty double-faced sons of guns! There is nothing more to it. Then, we have the barefacedness to put up our noses when faced by African immigrants in our country, making out that we are way above them! What rot! That is exactly what we are as a nation: a rotten apple. The rot is now coming out! And the rot comes from way, way, way above!
Alfred Galea
Did this guy ask for commissions?? There is nothing that states that his father was involved in this so it has nothing to do with another PN council. But I think that the mayor should resign because there's always the perception that his son did not act on his own.
Patrick Calleja
One scandal after an other are gripping Dr Gonzi; unfortunately for GonziPN, the mess does not stop here; the money donations machine is blowing up! We have entered a phase where GonziPn has run out of spin and is struggling hard to keep his footing as an other scandal/ crises erupts. In the meantime, many Maltese ( 40% of the families- according to the Statistics' Office), are spending more than they are earning! A sense of directions usually enables governments to stay on their feet when times gets tough, but today, only a few pundits believe that Dr Gonzi has not lost both his sense of direction and compass !
Imma kif f'danna l- pajjiz I- MAKKU biex jinqabat . SHARK HU BALENI dejjem johorgu SCOTHS FREE.
PN LOCAL COUNCIL FOUND TO BE CLEAN FROM CORRUPTION At this rate it will be headings like this that would be of news value