Education minister says Skola Sajf set to open on Monday
Education minister Evarist Bartolo says state-run summer school set to open on Monday after one week delay, ministry to carry out investigation

Education minister Evarist Bartlo today said that Skola Sajf would be fully operational by Monday, after the ministry has identified the necessary resources to man the school which is set to host 10,800 pupils.
On Sunday, the Ministry postponed the opening of the summer school by a week because not enough teachers and staff were available.
This year, Klabb 316' and the government summer school joined forces in a bid to increase opening hours and offer more affordable prices for summer schools, however Bartolo explained that the Foundation for Educational Services had failed to make the necessary preparations.
“Its impossible to make preparations in two months. You need at least 700 persons to cater for 10,800 pupils and for such a big-scale activity preparations must start early,” he said.
While reiterating his apologies for the inconvenience caused by the delay, Bartolo said that the ministry would be carrying out an inquiry to “see what went wrong.”
In clear reference to the Foundation for Educational Services, he said that he would rather work with persons who are candid and honest when they encounter difficulties. “You cannot say that everything is fine when it clearly wasn’t the case.”
He also explained that up to 200 teachers and staff members had dropped out at the last minute because of logistical problems which would have seen teachers running centres alone.
Earlier, the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) denied that it had ordered an industrial action, but it advised its members to send pupils back home if centres were sufficiently manned. Bartolo said that he was confident MUT would approve the ministry’s plans to open the schools on Monday, once enough teachers and staff members are available.