35 cases of breast cancer found amongst 4,000 women

Between October 2009 and August 2010, around 4,000 women were tested at the National Breast Screening Centre. 35 of them resulted that they had breast cancer.

67% of the women who were invited for free breast screening accepted the offer.

Dr Nadine Delicata, Director of the Breast Screening National Centre, said that it is encouraging that more women are accepting to do the free test given by the Centre, adding that as months go by, more women are making use of the free offer. She said that it is important for women to do regular screening as, the early the cancer is found, the greater is the possibility of it to be cured.

In the near future, the National Centre will be investing in another mammogram machine and will increase the radiograms which do the tests. The new machine will also serve as a replacement for when one of the two will be faulty. This way, tests could still go on without interruptions.