Labour says PM defending 'confusion' of networks behind Delimara award to BWSC

Labour has accused the prime minister of defending the networks behind the award of the Delimara tender.

The party was reacting to news revealed by MaltaToday that former Enemalta CEO David Spiteri Gingell, who sat on the adjudication board of the controversial Delimara extension, was carrying out consultancy work for Vassallo Builders Group, the contractor for Danish firm BWSC.

“Lawrence Gonzi is letting down Maltese taxpayers, when he defends this confusion,” the PL said. “News that both the CEO and chairman of the committee that chose BWSC, is now a consultant for Vassallo, who is a BWSC contractor is shocking, and serious for whoever defends the Delimara contract, Lawrence Gonzi mostly.”

“Vassallo also employs former Enemalta chairman Alex Tranter and the Nationalist MP Charlò Bonnici. He is building a tradition of taking on holiday the PN secretary-generals, including Paul Borg Olivier.”

The former CEO’s consultancy firm has carried various assignments for the company, whose owner is magnate and PN donor Zaren Vassallo, and whose directors include the former Enemalta chairman Alex Tranter, who admitted to a conflict of interest in the Delimara tender process.

Spiteri Gingell’s firm LoQus was incorporated in October 2008, but up until April 2009, Spiteri Gingell says the firm was not involved in private work given his assignment to manage the Delimara tender adjudication.

In September 2009, LoQus was approached by Vassallo Builders to carry out a strategic review of the group, and sit on the strategic board for the implementation of the strategic report.

Labour said Spiteri Gingell defended the change in emissions rules, when he claimed this was carried out to comply with EU law but which has been belied by a letter from European Commissioner Michel Barnier (WATCH VIDEO at 7mins)


Spiteri Gingell had previously claimed that the changes to the emission rules had been carried out to comply with EU law, but the Commission is claiming an irregular procurement process after rules were changed to suit diesel technology only, and not gas-powered engines.

Spiteri Gingell also assumed responsibility for the choice of Lahmeyer International, which had previously worked with BWSC, whose analysis was instrumental for BWSC to be favoured by Enemalta. “Spiteri Gingell said he had never checked that LI was blacklisted by the World Bank,” Labour said.

Luke Camilleri
I fail to uindestand how P.N. Benefactor and Gonzipn BENEFICIARY Zaren Vassallo took on his payroll former Enemalta CEO David Spiteri Gingell when this chap openly admitted on state T.V. on his bloober in for the choice of Lahmeyer International without checking on its credibility by the World Bank. The chickens coming home to roost?
Jiena ma nistax nifhem kif affarijiet bhal dawn li huma CARI daqs il KRISTALL kif ma tidholx il pulizija fdaqn il kazijiet KOROH mela sewwa ghax sindku xtara laptop ghalih jew it tifel ta sindku talab senserija biex ditta tirbah il kuntratt hi dahlet il pulizija fuq affarijiet ta sommom ta flus zghar u dan Spiteri Gingell u siehbu l-iehor Trantor jiibdlu il ligi ikunu impjegati it tnejn li huma ma l-ENEMALTA jirrisenjaw u morru konsulenti ma min rebah il kuntratt u dawn qiesu ma garar xejn? Fejnha il gustizzja ghaz zghir BISS qeda ?
Joe Tanti
There was once a prominent "village lawyer" who uttered the words: ghalina u ghall uliedna (for us and for our children). Mind you when he used the word OUR an US, he wasnt refering to just plain you and me but to their families and friends and friends of friends.After more than two decades in administration the same old surnames and families crop up when large money making projects are announced.When these are ultimatly awarded,these family and friends names ALWAYS are in the fore,either as partners,commission agents advertising companies etc..etc.I think that Hollywood should look into the possibility of shooting another sequel to The Godfather and entitle it GODFATHER V.-THE CORRUPTION OF A NATION.I am sure that it would be a great success.
Joseph Pellicano
gakbin u oppotunist iehor, immurx il quddies u jitqarben kul nar ta hadd.
eddie fenech adami kien jajd li jekk nisma il xihadd jajd li il politika korotta brassu idur. kolla listes tamlu balla paroli u kuljum il knisja biex nidru sew, u min wara ommi ma kemm intom ta intern hazin mal maltin.
joseph mercieca
The people are being bled dry, poverty is on the increase, corruption is rampant. The government is wallowing in filth the stench of which is now reaching Brussels. In the meantime, what is Labour doing? Issuing statements of condemnation. Anything more radical might engage the PN and hurt its feelings and, perish the thought, they will call us violent and lose us votes. Yes change the emblem and instead of a torch just put a chicken! And this is the party that had Mintoff as its leader or would you rather erase that from the history of the Party. Call yourselves Opposition......giive me a break.
What is missing is the intervention of those PN "rebels" who had the interest of the South close to their heart whose silence is deafening after being given a promotion and more money due to their new promotion.
Alfred Galea
That none of the PN MPs think that this "contract"is a web of deceit, corruption and conflict of interest?? Does ANY of them care to look out for the taxpayers? Have they no shame? The Corleones, the Tattaglias and Barzini have nothing on these guys.