Maltese population up by 4,000
Births balancing out deaths across EU28

The population of the EU28 increased by just over 3 million people between 2013 and 2014, according to a Eurostat study.
Malta’s total population increased by about 4,000 people in this period. The 4,000 births were almost balanced out by the 3,200 deaths, giving a 1.9% increase in population via natural change.
The balance of births and deaths is a trend shared by the other EU countries being analyzed. There was a population increase in 14 other member states while 13 registered a decrease.
Malta recorded a 7.6% increase in migration that year, behind Luxembourg (19%) and ahead of Sweden (6.8%) and Austria (6.5%).
Another Eurostat study reveals that house prices in the Euro area have decreased by 0.3%, while property prices in the EU have risen by 1%, when comparing the first quarter of 2014 with the first quarter of the previous year.