Chief Vatican prosecutor Mgr Scicluna concludes sex abuse investigations

Mgr Carmel Scicluna has concluded his investigation on the paedophilia cases which allegedly took place at the Institute of San Guzepp in Santa Venera, and will now be handed over to the Curia’s Response Team to proceed with the case.

Mgr Scicluna, the Promoter of Justice in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican, came to Malta last June to start investigations on the cases of sexual abuse by priests on young boys, cases which took place in the late eighties and early nineties.

Torca reports that Scicluna’s arrival from the Vatican came at a time when the Curia’s Response Team in Malta was under criticism for ignoring the abuse cases for around seven years. Scicluna said his meeting with the victims was supplementary to the work being done by the Response Team, and all that was unearthed in relation to the case will be given to the same body for a decision on how to proceed.

However, the Curia has reportedly refused to comment on the cases, citing it cannot reveal information on individual cases.

Keith Goodlip
Now for the cover up.
Martin Scicluna
This information should be published and what was said or the chuch is afraid to say? So that is why some people dont believe in church catcolic church
they should have been in criminal court as all people!what on earth is this? aaa so much power still have here the church .... if i be accused of a crime i be headed to criminal court - a 10 yeard old boy to court ... and a priest accused of phaedophile no ? nah this cannot go on . all who is accused of committing a crime must be in criminal court whover he or she is.. .. disgusting.......