Malta’s President tomorrow on Reporter
President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca to discuss her new Presidential role on Reporter

At the beginning of February, signs began to emerge that Marie Louise Coleiro Preca – at the time Minister for Family and Social Solidarity – was set to be appointed as the ninth President of Malta following the end of George Abela’s term.
The news pleased a lot of people due to the fact that Coleiro Preca was renowned for the industriousness in her work. On the other hand, others believed that Joseph Muscat was wasting his most hard-working Minister by handing her a ceremonial role.
On Reporter, the President will be grilled on how she used to look at the presidency before her appointment and what her impressions of the position are now.
Coleiro Preca will discuss her considerations before accepting the role, how the Presidency has affected her family and how she feels about the ceremonial role.
There seems to be a special understanding that, despite her new role as President, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca will remain involved in the creation and passing of social policies. Was this on her insistence?
Reporter is produced and presented by Saviour Balzan assisted by Frederick Attard.
Reporter is aired live every Monday at 6:55pm on TVM. The programme is repeated on TVM2 on Monday at 10:15pm.