PN asked Sandro Chetcuti for a 'donation' while in jail

PN Secretary-General Paul Borg Olivier had accepted money from Sandro Checuti, currently facing court proceedings for the attempted murder of GRTU chief Vince Farrugia, while the former party treasurer Peter Darmanin had asked for a 'donation' while he was held in prison.

Sandro Chetcuti like many other businessmen knows all about being approached by political parties to donate money. So when Borg Olivier and the media accused Chetcuti of being a Labourite stalwart they must have forgotten how many businessmen including Sandro Chetcuti donate money to the party. Chetcuti who is a flamboyant but successful building speculator renowned for his negotiating skills in buying and selling property.

With no financial regulations in place, it is difficult to gauge how much money the two parties receive from business and individuals, but it is estimated that hundreds of thousands are received by both parties and never declared.

The donation system opens up both parties to ‘blackmail’ and conditions them.

Though it is estimated that the PN receives at least three to four times the amount received by the PL.

Chetcuti’s fall from grace happened when in a fit of anger he entered the GRTU’s office and assaulted Vince Farrugia. He faces serious criminal charges and the case is still ongoing.

But last April and behind bars he was depicted as being a Labourite stalwart and close to Labour leader Joseph Muscat.

The PN friendly press and certain bloggers attacked Chetcuti.

It now transpires that Chetcuti gave several donations to Paul Borg Olivier. On one occasion, Nationalist party secretary general Paul Borg Olivier phoned Chetcuti and asked him if would give them (the PN) a Christmas present.

But the most bizarre twist was when Chetcuti received a letter sent out to Nationalist party ‘friends’ requesting a donation to the PN.

The letter sent out by Peter Darmanin was sent to Chetcuti when he was in prison.

Darmanin in his letter writes that the letter is being sent as a sign of respect and gratitude to a PN friend. Chetcuti is now out on bail.

Chetcuti who was elected to the GRTU and until last year was very close to Vince Farrugia fell out with Farrugia. Tension between the two resulted in an exchange of insults which finally imploded after Chetcuti accidentally sent an SMS to Farrugia intended for Joseph Muscat.

I've known Sandro for years as I hail from Fgura like him. Still friends till today. When I saw the Net News I honestly started laughing as all they said was a lie. I was a Nationalist activist,going back in time I remember Sandro with his Honda CRX during the election all covered with PN flags. The PN under Gonzi finished. The party was in its best under Eddie and our late Guido.
the trouble with the Maltese is too much yap and no action. how about do something like what feneck adami did civil disobedience, maybe then this corrupted government will fall.
Famous quote. Min ikun jaf bil-korruzzjoni u ma jeqridhiex ikun korrott.
Where is Dr Eddie Fenech Agami When he was in opposition how much he shouts WORK JUSTICE and LIBERTY what do you say KNOW about all this CONFUSION in your party
Anette B Cassar
No. Nothing surprises me in Malta anymore.