Trade unions form national forum
President hails creation of national trade union forum as 'historic', calls for unity among unions

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca today described the creation of the national trade union forum as an historic event which she said will play an important role in the country's socio economic development.
"Today is a historic day for the country, which should foster further unity among the people."
The forum is made up of 22 unions, representing over 50% of the Maltese workforce, which the president said was one if the highest rates in the world.
Despite representing different sectors, Coleiro Preca said that all unions share the same interests. "As Head if State I felt the need to provide the necessary tools to help unions strengthen their cooperation.But make no mistake, this is not the presidents forum. The forum belongs to trade unions."
She added that Maltese unions recognise the need to for further cooperation and unity to represent workers and strive for better conditions in all employment sectors.
Among the first projects the forum will undertake, Coleiro Preca underlined a scientific survey on trade unionism and an educational campaign on health and safety issues.
Manuel Debono head of the employment studies department at the University of Malta said that the more members a union has the stronger it is but the same is true when unions speak with one singular voice.
He said that trade unionism in Malta is in a healthy state but pointed out that unions need to be proactive and prepared to face new challenges in employment. The forum, Debono said, will provide a high profile platform to promote employment issues.