PN calls on justice minister to come clean on local elections
Opposition says Owen Bonnici should immediately declare whether local elections will be postponed or not

The opposition called on justice minister Owen Bonnici to “respect the people’s intelligence” and come clean on whether local elections scheduled for next year will be postponed or not.
Urging government to publish the draft law on local councils or withdraw it, the PN said “in a democracy elections aren’t cancelled, let alone hold a public consultation on their cancellation. Elections are intrinsically the highest form of consultation and it makes no sense to hold a consultation process to remove another.”
The PN added that Bonnici is insulting mayors, councilors and prospective candidates who are uncertain on whether the elections will be held and whether they should start prepartions.
“Therefore, the PN calls on Owen Bonnci to stop taking people for a ride and immediately declare what government’s intentions are.”