Paul Borg Olivier attempts to curry favour with Sliema with ‘letter of explanation’

PN secretary-general writes mass letter of explanation to all Sliema residents on Nikki Dimech’s expulsion.

Residents of Sliema, where its beleaguered local council has seen its mayor resign from the Nationalist Party, have received a letter from PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier explaining why he expelled Nikki Dimech from the party.

In the letter, addressed personally to individual members of each household, Borg Olivier says he “felt the need to write to you because I believe you should know the real reasons leading to the expulsion of Nikki Dimech.”

The secretary-general has been under pressure to revert the negative tide of public perception after a PN councillor, Sandra Camilleri, said she was coerced in signing an impeachment motion against Dimech. Both Dimech and Camilleri have resigned from the PN and stayed on as independent councillors.

Borg Olivier has also filed two libel suits against MaltaToday over reports on his candidature in the Sliema electoral district.

“Sliema residents elected representatives to work in your best interest and that of the local council, and to this seriously and with respect to you and of the laws of the country. Like you, the PN expects every councillor to carry out their duties with the highest of ethical and moral standards,” Borg Olivier writes.

Borg Olivier claims he was contacted by Dimech on 14 August, after the mayor was questioned by police, and told he had admitted to demanding commissions on a council contract – a statement that contrasts with Dimech’s claim that it was Borg Olivier who called him, 15 minutes after emerging from the police HQ, and that the secretary-general was already aware that he had admitted to the accusations.

“I informed him his admission implicated unacceptable behaviour… and that he could not keep representing the PN and had to resign.

“The next day he had to report to the central headquarters. But he did not come, he did not respond to calls or to emails I sent, and he still did not resign. In the light of all this and his declarations, the PN decided that Nikki Dimech be expelled immediately. This is because the PN insists every councillor to always and in every circumstance behave according to the highest moral and ethical standards in the course of duty.

“In the meantime, the PN was informed of other investigations from the IAID within the OPM, which investigations concern other grave allegations. In the light of these developments, with a letter dated 12 August I informed Nikki Dimech of the decision of the PN’s administrative council, that he was being expelled with immediate effect.

“The PN understands your disappointment at what happened in the Sliema local council. But I assure you the party’s decision was taken with your best interest at heart.”

Dimech has been summoned to report to the police headquarters this morning, to be questioned by Inspector Angelo Gafà over claims that he was the victim of a “frame-up” and that Paul Borg Olivier had directed him to award a waste recovery tender to Green MT, a company owned by the Chamber of SMEs (GRTU).

Inspector Angelo Gafà is also the same police officer who interrogated Dimech on allegations that he had demanded a commission on a council contract. Dimech has claimed he admitted to the accusations “under duress” and that he was denied an inhaler during his questioning.

Dimech is also being questioned on statements he told the Internal Audit Investigations Department, which was running an inquiry into alleged financial mismanagement inside the Sliema council, that Borg Olivier directed him to choose Green MT: a company owned by the GRTU (Chamber of SMEs).

The company is also co-owned by GRTU director Vince Farrugia, a former PN candidate for the 2009 European Parliament elections.

Dimech told the IAID that Borg Olivier called him 15 minutes before the start of a council meeting, instructing him to choose Green MT for the tender. Borg Olivier has denied the allegation.

Joseph Catania
PBO hu l-aghar segretarju generali politiku fl-istorja politika Maltija.
Mark Anthony Enriquez
ever heard of the saying' horses for courses' well if you did surely you do not understand the meaning, dear pbo
Christopher Galea Scannura
Why is the PM so silent about all this issue? Really really strange.. has PBO taken over the party? Is there some sort of internal war within the party? Would really like to hear our dear PM he still on holiday? (from the party!!!)
Lino Camilleri
the letter was signed by paul borg olivier
Anette B Cassar
Thorny, It was a PN letter:
Thanks PBO. You are an eye opener. I know how iI'll vote next time round. Dr Gonzi keep shooting yourself in the foot and you'll end up using your Par Idejn Sodi to walk on.
Lino Camilleri
Ghandek bzonn tmur dawra ohra ma zaren biex tigi f' tieghek. Ma hawnx imqar nofs kumment favur dak li ghamilt li baghat l-ittra lir residenti sliemizi. Kieku jiena flokok wara din id-disfatta diga qied mohbi f'nofs ta bahar.
vivienne Aquilina
really and truly, Pawl do you believe that we Sliema residents are stupid. One suggestion, just forget politics and do everybody a favour, disappear from the poitica scene.
Luke Camilleri
Has the P.N. carried the cost of the postage of these letters or the Maltes Taxpayer for PBO's Paprati? What next ? Getting Peppi Azzopardi or Lou Bondi to get Nikki and Sandra on Xarabank for a good grilling whilst you watch from the back seat?
I feel so lucky that I do not live in Sliema and I am not a PN (or any other) registered political party supporter. Honestly your wordings and writings make me sick and feel I want to vomit.
Anton Portelli
"This is because the PN insists every councillor to always and in every circumstance behave according to the highest moral and ethical standards in the course of duty" like yachting with friends? like going to watch a football match with friends?
Robert everest
Pawl tkomplix tahli l-hin mur fuq id-daghsa ma Zaren u gawdi sajf u hallik mil-frejjeg......jafu jaghzlu kunsilliera tal-PN hafna.
Reuben Sciberras
PBO cannot stop himself from continuing to ridicule himself and the PN. His actions are a photo copy of what we passed through during the Mintoff and KMB era. We are now fed up. PBO please cut your losses(and the country’s) and just disappear from the political scene. This consistent incompetence has now become unbearable to all.
Keith Goodlip
I reckon this pathetic little man is simply clutching at straws. He KNOWS that he is finished.
Connie Saliba
Paul as if we are going to trust you or believe you - YOU ARE FINISHED FROM SLIEMA - anyways this was nothing new to us - We know Sandra and whatever damage you try to put on her will be all waste of time - Paul go and rest have a shower and read your newspaper. WHAT A GREAT POLITICIAN hawadni halli inhawdek
Stefan Mifsud
Dear PBO and GonziPN Cabinet, People in Glasshouses should not throw stones. Especially those living in a glasshouse which has growing some of the following: BWSC Contract Holidaying on a donors new 6 Million Euro boat Cancer Hospital Scandal VAT Fraud Scandal MTA now MT ongoing scandals Minsitry of Education loss of Scholarship funds becasue of lack of proper management and control..............need I go on. "...........behave according to the highest moral and ethical standards in the course of duty." Gives a break. We are not all A holes PBO like you make us out to be.
Well said GYK. But I do not think he has the guts. It would put him in a very akward situation.
Paul Sammut
Ah, the wee laddy just haven't got what it takes. Instead of wasting so much paper on letters he should have gone ecological and held a press conference. People would then have had the chance of looking him straight in the eye and watch his body language while delivering his statements and answering questions.
Mr Dimech why are you imploring Dr Gonzi to remove PBO when he himself is part of the problem & he is responsible for the dire situation the PN is in ?
Christopher Galea Scannura
I think its just NOT convenient to check the call logs...otherwise it would have been done already!!! It would also shed light on the GRTU case... I don't understand why PBO is never summoned to respond to allegations and others are...
Mr.Grissom just called and as chief of the CSI unit of Las Vegas he gave us a simple solution : CHECK NIKKI DIMECH'S PHONE LOG!!! If PBO's call after the interrogation was incoming, then the lier would be caught. If PBO's call before the council meeting was incoming too, then we can finally shed some light on this web of deceit and lies. Is this so hard for the Police Intelligentia to figure out?
Christopher Galea Scannura
Is this an independant initiative taken by PBO or is it backed by the party?? I doubt the party would stoop so low...if they did, shame on them...and what are they trying to prove anyway? Why does PBO feel the need to spoon feed the people of Sliema?? Is he scared that his "story" is not credible? Is he preparing, sorry trying, to brainwash people in preparation to contest the GE? He probably realised that people are not stupid and that by reading various media articles and watching various news on Tv they can tell when a story stinks... The more he insisists and invents "tactics" the more he proves how wrong he is... Well done for spending money to print and mail these letters to a 12,000 household town!!! Now make sure you organise a collection campaign for the party...
I repeat. Is there a limit to this man's arrogance and hunger for power. He even had the audacity to send a copy of the letter to me (Nikki's father) and to Nikki himself. PBO you are realy scraping the bottom now. Esteemed Dr. Lawrence Gonzi, please save the party and throw this guy out or a least give him a public telloff.
joseph mercieca
From a objective point of view the Borg Olivier is an icon in the history of our island. It is such a shame that this muppet is tarnishing such an important name. Weather for him or against him George Borg Olivier had class. This moron does not even know the meaning of the word. Mind you he's a million laughs and sure has a bright future as a stand up comic. See in the letter he stated “The PN understands your disappointment at what happened in the Sliema local council. But I assure you the party’s decision was taken with your best interest at heart.” I beg to ask is this the same interest that was show to the people with regard to the power station saga?
Mario Pisani
x'ghandek taghmel biha Pawl!
"PN expects every councillor to carry out their duties with the highest of ethical and moral standards ".......If the PN really believes in this it should apply it to his cabinet,then we see how many will remain !!!......Hallina Pawl.
Carmen Borg
Would someone please dismiss this person from this country!!!!! Do a favour to you country Pawl and take a big Big BIg BIG HOLIDAY!!!!! You are Malta's shame. Your family should be ashamed calling you part of the family.
Is there a limit to this man's arrogance. Is he in such a desperate position as to send this malafamatory letter to the Sliema residents? Does he think that they are so stupid?