Sliema Mayor Nikki Dimech released on bail, charged with bribery and threatening prosecutor in MaltaToday interview

Sliema Mayor Nikki Dimech was last night released on bail by Magistrate Joseph Apap Bologna after pleading "definitely not guilty" to  charges over bribery and threatening a public officer through comments made in an interview with MaltaToday. Meanwhile defense counsel claims "coincidence" as PN was to propose impeachment motion in council on Thursday.

Sliema Mayor Nikki Dimech was granted bail against a deposit of 1,000 and a 5,000 guarantee bond after being charged in court over his controversial statement released to the police from the Economic Crimes Unit , where he reportedly 'admitted' to asking for a commission over the contract awarded to the former Sliema council contracts manager Stephen Buhagiar, 

Police Inspector Angelo Gafa' told Magistrate Apap Bologna that he was the officer who was threatened by Nikki Dimech through the contents of an interview released to MaltaToday on Sunday 22 August ,where he alleged that he was pressured by the police during the course of their investigations and interrogation on the case.

According to Inspector Angelo Gafa, the Sliema Mayor slandered the police corps when he said in the interview that he admitted to bribery 'under duress' during his interrogation, that he was denied his inhaler and as not allowed a lawyer while in custody.

The Inspector opposed bail, given that through his investigations it transpired that Nikki Dimech tried to approach Buhagiar through a council employee in a bid to dissuade him from pursuing the police report he had originally lodged. He added that Dimech could tamper with witnesses to the case.

Defense lawyers Joseph Giglio and Stephen Tonna Lowell contested their client's arrest and evening arraignment, but Magistrate Joseph Apap Bologna decided at the end that the arrest was justified given the "seriousness" of the first charge that related to bribery and that the accused was a public official.

In the charge sheet, the police asked the court to impose a general interdiction on Nikki Dimech if found guilty as charged.

The sitting that started at 20.15pm, ended at 9.10pm, with Magistrate Apap Bologna ordering Nikki Dimech's girlfriend to leave the court room after Inspector Gafa informed him that the woman was making gestures at him.

Dimech has since resigned from the PN but has held on to the mayorship, while the party secretary general has been active in promoting a motion between the remaining PN councilors to oust Nikki Dimech from office.

Sources close to Dimech's defense counsel have told MaltaToday that the arraignment yesterday "was too close to comfort as it is clear that it comes with a clear intent to influence tomorrow's vote."

Nikki Dimech was summoned to the police headquarters in Floriana at 3.30pm yesterday and exited the CID yard in an unmarked police car accompanied by Inspector Angelo Gafa at 19.45 pm. Dimech was placed under arrest soon after he entered the police headquarters and was later whisked up through the back door of the law courts in Strait Street in Valletta. He was then led through the lock-up cells beneath the courts and taken by lift to the upper floors where he faced Magistrate Joseph Apap Bologna.

MaltaToday reported yesterday that every household in Sliema had recieved a personalised letter signed by PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier explaining his reasons why Nikki Dimech was asked to resign from the party.

Last Saturday, Police Inspector Angelo Gafa' charged 32 year-old Noel Agius, son of San Gwann Mayor Joseph Agius for having asked for a bribe from waste collection contractors who bid to service the locality.

Noel Agius admitted the charges and was sentenced to four years imprisonment, suspended for two years and a general perpetual interdiction.

Meanwhile, his father Joseph Agius has announced his resignation as mayor and PN member and is also expected to face the same charges.

He is currently in hospital following heart failure when informed of his arrest.

During August, PN's deputy Mayor of Gharb was arrested and charged with statutory rape, while Santa Venera PN Mayor Elizabeth Vella resigned her post over irregularities that were pointed out in a governmental report about mishandling of council funds.

Seeing what they are capable of doing to one of their own, I shudder to think of what they are capable of doing to any other.
Carmen Borg
Il-PN Jibqghu jimeraviljawni sena wara sena, xhar wara xhar, gurnata b'gurnata ghax l'ezempji tajbin li qed jaghtu rigward il-politka taghhom huma wisq tajbin. PN'S MOTTO "Min H*&^% mexa' u ma H&%^$& ma mexxiex" igifieri biex tkun parti min dan il-parti trid tkun taf kif ghandek tkun korrott.
Paul Sammut
The other day my niece reminded me of how I used proudly tell her the story of a knight in shining armour who battled the forces of darkness and brought Xoghol - GuSTIZZJA - Liberta` to a forlorn island. She said that she has stopped repeating that legend to her children.
Carmen Borg
Jimporta tirrispondini wahda billi tghidli x'inhu jigru bhallisa fil-lokalita tas-sliema, nixtieq li tghidli kollox bl'ezatt pls sbejjah. Ghax sa fejn naf jien qed jidher fic-car li hija din hija kollha "Frame up" bhall ma dejjem kienu, ghadhom u jibqaw jaghmlu il-PN. Ghax fiz-zmien il-labour kienu jisplodu l-bombi mbaghad imbierek alla malli tela l-pn waqqfu dawn il-bombi. Hu xi nghidu dwar il qtil ta karen grech? u mur hallina qabel tparla kun ghaf x'int tejd johnny bravo
joseph mercieca
It all boils down to who is telling the truth. Well it is simple to know. Nikki made an accused PBO of interfering waste gather tender. He backs up his accusation stating dates and times of telephone calls he received from PBO. Can somebody please check these calls so that we know if Nikky is a thief or PBO is a sneaky drainage rat. I think the truth is out their but it will demage Gonz'a regime.
Nara dawn il-kummenti u tohrog l-ipokresija tal-laburisti. Ghax tigi miggielda l-korruzzjoni joqghodu jgibu hafna skuzi. Ghax il-PL ma jghidilnies ghax irrezenja s-sindku tal=Fgura. Tal-PN nafu tal-labout ma nafux. Ghidulna?
Patrick Calleja
Just as Arcbishop Gonzi One wrecked the spiritual wealth of the Maltese Islands, GonziPN clique is following hard its heals to destroy the Nationalist Party on one side, and the material and moral well being of the Maltese on the other: what have we done wrong to deserve this degeneration?
Christopher Galea Scannura
Ha ha..what a convenient to try and keep him arrested ahead of Thursday's local council meeting.. Why did they not proceed with this farse on the 11 August when he was called the first time? If they had a case then why did they not charge him back then? Afterall, the charges are for the same case.. Of course, because back then they thought an intimidation of this sort would have made him resign without hassle..and they can proceed with their plans..
Reuben Sciberras
I am one onf the 1500 votes which brought the PN to power. NOT this time round. The more I see what is happenning the more I convince myself that we are living under a Fascist government with an uneducated and incompetent police force, not to mention the fundmentalist church/curia. I am just disgusted with all this corruption around me.
Martin Scicluna
The Sliema Local Council and other Councils are for me Micky Mouse. They should stop working as they are puppets to the Government
anthony muscat
Instemgha hafna ghajdud rigward Pawlu Borg Olivier, Paprati kbar li ghamel . u ghadu jaghmel, imma illum segretarju tal partit Nazzjonalista. instemgha ukoll li irrid johrog fuq tas sliema, nixtieq jghidilna xi skop ghandu Pawlu Borg Olivier li jaghmel daqshekk hsara lin nicky. jien mhux qed napprova il-kurruzzjoni, imma jista il-kummissarju, jew ahjar l-ispettur gaffa, li huwa tant herqan biex innehhi il-kurruzzjoni mill pajjiz jinvestiga lill ministru tonio fenech, lill ministru austin gatt, u hafna ministri li qed jafgu minn flus il-popplu, jew lin nicky biss gie ordnat jinvestiga? forsi mhux fil- boghod hux, narawh supretendent lill gafa, minn jaf?
Stefan Mifsud
@ David Caruana You are quite right in your comment. Hear my own personal story. I went in to the Police Station to lodge a report. I was very specific about my complaint and brought in a witness to affirm my report. Naturally I insisted with the reporting officer to state in the report what the witness has said. (I insisted for this to be done as if you do not know what the Police write in their reports is taken by our Courts as the only truth, the absolute truth and nothing but the truth). Anyway after collecting a copy of the report, after payment of some 2 or 3 Euros, I discovered that what the person stated in front of the reporting officer, confirming my report, was not included. Naturally I asked why this has not been done. The replies given by the same reporting officer were in this order: a. Nobody was here to affirm what I said. b. the person is not a credible witness. c. the man just confirmed what you had said. I was so upset with this that I wanted to report the reporting police officer. We Joe citizens cannot report a police officer. WE can only write to the police commissioner and he takes any action he deems appropriate. I was so flabbergasted that I gave up completely and said to myself ....Only in Malta. Wonder of Wonders some two months later I receive a summons and the accusations are: a. I threatened the police officer, b. I forced the Police officer to do things against her will. c. I broke the public peace. d. I slandered the police officer. Unfortunately this is our Police Force who are there to protect and serve us. So having said all of that I am not surprised with the accusation against Mr. Dimech that he has threatened the Police Officer. Now we come to realise taht this threat came about because Mr. Dimech gave an interview to Malta Today. The officer apparently, who has the power to arrest, imprison drag you publically all teh way to court etc. Does not know teh difference between threatening and slander. No wonder thieves, drug suppliers and other criminals have a field day here in Malta.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? "Who will guard the guards themselves?"
Albert Zammit
Even the Times cartoonist showed PBO shooting himself in the foot lately , and this made me research why ? Q1 Would someone wait 6 months to report a case of attempted bribery ? Q2 Why the fast court proceedings when others take years ? Q3 How did PBO know the content of the signed admission of guilt ? Q4 Is it a fact that the accuser of bribery was employed by the council and fired some time ago before he ""remembered"" the bribery request ? I cannot and will not vote for either of these individuals , but even if Inspector Gafa proves his case , I wish I could vote for Nikki ! Lil Nikki Kuraġġ ....fil-ħajja ,bħal boxing , turi saħħtek , kemm tiflaq taqla u min jitfa il ħama l-aktar li jkollu idejh maħmugin !! Qawl Malti Biex tiskonġra trid tkun Pur !!
Joseph Brincat
How far can one go! Now a letter to all households re SLIEMA MAYOR! Nikki keep a firm grip - only God can judge you! What a democratic country, far from it. Sliema Resident
"Police Inspector Angelo Gafa' told Magistrate Apap Bologna that he was the officer who was threatened by Nikki Dimech through the contents of an interview released to MaltaToday on Sunday 22 August ,where he alleged that he was 'framed' by the police during the course of their investigations and interrogation on the case." Let's see if I'm getting this right... if, theoretically speaking, a police officer mistreats a person during interrogation and this person makes this mistreatment public, is that against the law? Then the law is corrupt and promotes abuse of power. Is it possible that in the "Democratic" Republic of Malta, the citizen cannot criticise or accuse the Police corps of wrongdoing? The police investigate the criminals... but who is investigating the police?
What if Nikki Dimech is really being framed? What if the dirty hands of corruption have a firm grip on the Police Corps and the Law Courts? What if today it is Nikki Dimech and tomorrow it's you or your son?
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
The more I read about this issue, the more I suspect this man is innocent. I hope I'm wrong, cause if I'm right this is the cause of a frame up, one of the most despicable acts, not only on an individual but an attack on the most basic fabrics of a democracy.
Lino Camilleri
Kollox mahdum bizzilla. Lanqas li kien xi qattiel jew perikoluz as socjeta nahseb ma kien jitla dan il hin. Imma kemm ghadkom tahsbu li l-malti ghadu injorant.
Mario Pisani
..maybe now we will get to know all the truth. Hope the Police and the competent authorities will take some action vis-a-vis PBO too!
charlene cassar
That's quite fast...speedy interrogation and even speedier arraignment !