Johanna Gonzi eyes mayorship as missing councillor returns from Russian trip

The PN's campaign to recover control in Sliema is in full swing.

On  Tuesday morning, Sliema residents received a personalised letter from PN secretary general Borg Olivier explaining why he had expelled his own Nationalist mayor Nikki Dimech who ‘admitted’ to asking for a kickback from Stephen Buhagiar known as it-Tipo and the driver of Nationalist backbencher Robert Arrigo.  Dimech insists that he admitted this under duress.

And on Tuesday evening, Nikki Dimech was summoned by the Police and interrogated by Michael Cassar and Angelo Gafa.  The courts were opened urgently at 20.00 hrs on the same day and he was arraigned infront of Magistrate Apap Bologna .

Inspector Gafa insisted that Dimech should be incarcerated and even in the indictment also referred to interviews given by Dimech in The MaltaToday and The Times which he strangely interpreted as a threat. 

Dimech’s defence counsel noted the close to comfort timing of the whole event.  Magistrate Apap Bologna acceded to bail.

As Dimech was being interrogated, the labour party was deciding whether to vote for Dimech or simply abstain.  Labour leader told aides that he would be pushing for the PL councillors to abstain.

PN councilors Patrick Pace who was off in Russia for a personal visit returns to Malta.  He was at once contacted by PN officials who informed him of how crucial his vote was for the PN.  A week ago, Dimech insisted that Pace was on his side.

Patrick Pace is in government employment and works at Mater Dei.

Days before, two PN councilors admitted that they had been coerced by Paul Borg Olivier to sign a motion to impeach Dimech.  The two councillors are Sandra Camilleri and Edward Cuschieri.  Sandra Camilleri and Nikki Dimech have since resigned from the PN.

It appears that Johanna Gonzi will be the new mayor.  And for the time being the political storm in Sliema would have been calmed, but not without some serious collateral damage and long term implications for the Nationalist party.

Joseph Catania
You have now learnt that all animals are equal but some are more equal than others...
Jon Sciberras
In my opinion, we should not be made to take this rubbish from the local council. We put them there so let the people decide.
Mario Pisani
Thanks, yes I also hope that such a document is made public if that;s the case!
Christopher Galea Scannura
The document was signed on the 21st July and then not presented in a meeting as there was havoc since then, but ND obviously has the signed copy, perhaps it will come out tonight...It does not really change things as they have evolved, but it certainly proves either that the councillors who signed both motions are untrustworthy as they don't stand by their beliefs or that they too have been coerced!!! and believe me, I am more liable to believe the latter!!!
Mario Pisani
Unfortunately, I tried to trace to document where the councillors concerned showed they didn't have any faith in Johanna Gonzi but the minutes on the council's website date back only to last April. Could you please enlighten us on the matter?
Christopher Galea Scannura
At this rate, Ms Gonzi will make history - as the last PN mayor in Sliema!!!
Anette B Cassar
It is two fists. It is going to be a Boot stamping on a human face............forever. Read 1984, George Orwell.
Again A Borg I agree. I have just posted the same argument, but in another newspaper. Thier vote this evening will show if they are men or just puppets on a string being pulled by the PN administration.
I fully agree with you A Borg. But now if they get the same treatment as they gave, they will most probably go running to Big Daddy at Pieta
Christopher Galea Scannura
If Patrick Pace, Bobby Cali and Edward Cuschieri vote in favour, this only proves that just like Sandra Camilleri they have been coerced, because a couple of weeks before they had signed a document stating they do not have faith in Ms Gonzi!!! Now they want her as mayor? My foot!!! Now they are scared. The only person with an honest conscience is least she has the guts to stand up for what she believes, and it is people like this that we need, not untrustworthy people who change their minds and beliefs at the bow of a whistle.
Christopher Galea Scannura
I just hope for the benefit of Sliema, that Ms Gonzi together with the other 2 stoogies is able to rectify the damage they purposely inflicted in the locality by hindering works simply for their personal ego and interest...and their greed for power.
joseph mercieca
I appeal to the Labour Councillors to vote against the motion and abstain. What is the logic behind abstantion? what does Joe Muscat stand to gain by this move? When is the Party going to show its attributes. Leadership is about decision make and not washing of hands. This illustrates that our councils are run by puttets with string attached to Dar Central and Centru Nazzjonali Laburista. My temptation of flashing my vote down the toilet is becoming more apealing to me. Maybe Joe Muscat has no need for my vote because he has thousands more. Good luck to you Joe. Before I end I appeal again to the Labour reps please support Nicky. I do not know the guy and my DNA is Labour I am the offsring of two 'Suldati ta' l-azzar' so nobody can question my Labour pedigree. But infront of this blatant injustice and public crucifiction of an honest young man one has to do what is right and forget party allegiance. After all justice is blind.
Dorothy Fenech
"Patrick Pace is in government employment and works at Mater Dei." Tghid qed jibza' ghal hobzu!!
I've just heard from some good sources inside the Dar Centrali PN that the coat of arms for the Democratic Republic of Gonziana will be a pair of fists : PAR IDEJN SODI
Alfred Galea
The Police Commissioner should remove Inspector Gafa from ANY investigation having to do with Nikki's not fair to either of them that he should continue investigating this case.
Charles Caruana My Gonzilla film.
How does it feel to be treated as a bunch of twats by PN? Boy - must they think you are a bunch of idiots or what!! Well you are probably used to it by now. Sliema is run the PN way. Every street has its own PN activist whose job is to know what car you drive, what job you work, your political affiliation and so forth. This is all duly reported back to HQ. Yep - Sliema is the perfect example of what a nationalist utopia should be. Enjoy - suckers!
austin farrugia
wow a new sliema mayor not even from sliema!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can she feel the beet of us sliema residents .............. mickey mouse
All in the Gonzi family
Joe Tanti
WOW,another GONZI seems to be in the pipeline,isnt one Gonzi (or should we also add his spouse Kate and his brother Michael more than enough) Or are they trying to form some sort of dynasty,Soon we will be finding Gonzis sprouting everywhere,this was evident more than ever ,dont you remember when he virtually took over the PN electoral campaign and turned it into a personnal electoral crusade: GONZIPN ? Once this fair land was called Maleth,Melita,Malta and now will it be GONZILAND. So shall we be called Gonzese. Maybe he will adopt the name of GONZIANA ,then we will be Gonzianans. What fun ,another new coat-of-arms for the Democratic Republiic of Gonziland (or Gonziana). I wonder what it will depict like say the Euro,the grey dust, yachts,power stations etc.Lets hope that he issues a tender for its design, well I bet he already knows the winner, its the norm these days.So hail D.R.o.G. and goodbye R.o.M.