Labour MP claims feel-good factor is ‘increasing, generally...’
Doctor-MP Etienne Grech issues party statement to declare that Malta under Labour has seen a rise in ‘feel-good factor after long years of dissatisfaction’

Has August just been reconfirmed as the silly season? Etienne Grech, one of Labour’s newly-elected MPs, has issued a statement claiming that Malta’s ‘feel-good factor’ “is riding high”.
Subjective an assessment though it is, Grech claimed in a Labour Party statement that ‘courageous’ decisions and ‘positive energy’ in the new Labour administration led to the decrease in energy prices, cuts in the prices of school uniforms, new civil rights “that leave nobody out or discriminated against”, the lowest rate of unemployment, and a greater number of people working in the private sector.
“The feel good factor that has earned the Maltese courage, faith and satisfaction, helps students, workers, investors and entrepreneurs have a clearer and more promising future,” Grech said, citing a Eurobarometer survey that showed 76% of Maltese respondents judge Malta’s economy positively, and 82% say their family’s financial situation was satisfactory.
Tracking the ‘feel good’ factor
Migration and inflation top concerns in May 2014
Trust in government up to 52%