Full-time jobs drop, part-time employment continues surge

Year-on-year, the number of persons employed on a full-time basis dropped by 1,109, while an increase of 279 full-timers was reported between February and March 2010.

In March 2010, the full-time gainfully-occupied population amounted to 144,047, while the registered unemployed amounted to 7,556. Accordingly, the labour supply stood at 151,603.

When compared to March 2009, total part-time employment rose by 2,191, or 4.6 per cent. Part-timers also holding a full-time job increased by 772, or 3.7 per cent, while part-timers whose job is their primary occupation went up by 1,419 or 5.4 per cent.

Year-on-year, persons employed on a full-time basis declined. Within the private sector full-time employment dropped by 913 or 0.9 per cent, while within the public sector it went down by 196 or 0.5 per cent.

When compared to the previous month, the private sector increased by 283, or 0.3 per cent, while the public sector remained nearly unchanged.

In the twelve months to March, the main decline in full-time employment took place in manufacturing, construction, and hotels and restaurants. Accordingly, the gainfully occupied persons in the manufacturing sector decreased by 869, while those in construction and hotels and restaurants decreased by 592 and 533 respectively.

On the other hand, the main increase in full-time employment occurred in real estate, renting and business activities, education, health and social work. In fact, the gainfully occupied persons in real estate, renting and business activities increased by 734, while those in education and health and social work increased by 223 and 211 respectively.

When compared to the previous year, full-time employment declined both in Malta and Gozo. Accordingly, the number of persons employed on a full-time basis in Malta declined by 1,053, or 0.8 per cent, while their counterparts in Gozo declined by 56 or 0.6 per cent.

Full-time employment in wholesale and retail trade increased in both Malta and Gozo, by 30 and 27 respectively. On the other hand, the number of apprentices decreased by 25 in Malta (-3.9%) and by 52 in Gozo (-75.4%).