€1 million for Mdina restoration project
Project set to be completed by July 2015

One million euro in EU funds have been allocated for the restoration of Mdina. The project will include a facelift for the Greeks Gate, the bastions, and the main entrance to Mdina. Some of the funds will also be spent on building a horsecab shelter, as well as railings around Howard Garden.
Parliamentary secretary for EU funds Ian Borg announced these projects in a press conference ealier today.
"These projects are set to be completed by July, 2015 and will respect the heritage of Mdina and the environment," Borg said.
"The Mdina local council has long planned to implement some of these projects but never had the funds for it," Mdina mayor Peter Sant Manduca said. "Around half of Mdina is still in need of restoration."
Plans for other restoration projects including of Casino Notabile and the tunnel in front of the Greeks Gateare also in the works.