President congratulates hospital staff on a ‘a job well done’
Head of State vists Karin Grech Hospital for World Physical Therapy Day

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca appeared in her element while speaking with several small groups of staff and patients during her visit to Karin Grech Hospital, marking the occasion of World Physical Therapy Day, earlier today.
“You are doing a really good job here,” the president remarked to staff whilst being given a guided tour of the spotless Rehabilitation Ward, one of many wards in the unit, all decked out with modern equipment.
President Coleiro Preca’s popularity amongst the patients was evident: everywhere she went there were smiles, handshakes, applause, even a few unscripted hugs.
“Madame President, please take care of us old people,” said an elderly patient in the Amputee Rehabilitation Unit, as the president passed by her bed-earning her a hug and a chat with the Head of State.
Karin Grech Hospital, situated in the grounds of St Luke’s Hospital, Gwardamangia offers both out-patient and in-patient physical rehabilitation services for sufferers of a wide spectrum of mobility-reducing ailments; treating anything from chronic knee pain to the effects of Parkinson’s Disease and stroke.
One of the physiotherapists told MaltaToday that they currently perform something in the region of 120,000 treatments per year, divided equally between in and out patients.
There is the capacity to do more. “The system is not currently running to full potential. There is equipment and modalities that could be used but are not due to budgetary constraints, however the situation is slowly getting better. The past 6 months in particular have seen the situation improve greatly.”