Lawrence Gonzi steps up for Gaddafi, ‘we’re ready to do anything for EU to hammer out Libya agreement’

The Maltese government is “ready to do anything” for the EU and the Libyan government to come to an agreement to control “problem of irregular immigration” – Maltese PM.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi today spelt out Malta’s complete support of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s veiled threats to the European Union, calling for $5 billion to control his country’s porous borders.

Speaking on Radio 101 today, Gonzi even claimed that as long as the EU is satisfied that immigrants’ “human dignity” is respected in Libya, Malta was “ready to do anything to get the EU and the Libyan government on the same table and discuss an agreement.”

Gonzi even claimed that conditions inside Libyan detention centres, “as witnessed by an MEPs’ delegation led by Simon Busuttil… are not entirely bad”, in justifying Malta’s stand in favour of the Libyan repatriation deal with Italy.

Libyais criticised by international human rights organisations for its non-adherence of the Geneva Convention and its treatment of African asylum seekers passing through the country to make the crossing to Europe. Earlier this year, it expelled the United Nations High Commission for Refugees.

“The irrefutable fact is that the number of irregular immigrants this year was almost down to zero, because the Libyan government took steps to control its coast,” he said, referring to the Italo-Libyan repatriation efforts.

“I say that since this number is down, this means we have helped thousands of people escape death from the Mediterranean voyage. Controlling the flow of migrants at source surely contributes to less death. But we must be sure that we also work together with Libya that the people stopped at the border are treated with all human dignity.”

Gonzi today also expressed his total support of PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier, over his handling of the Nikki Dimech expulsion from the PN.

Dimech is being charged with bribery after admitting to having asked for commissions on a council contract. Earlier this week he was deposed as mayor after a vote of no confidence moved by PN councillors.

“One of our main reforms was having council executive secretaries employed by the department of local government, rather than councillors themselves. This was the reason that financial mismanagement inside councils was being investigated by the IAID and the police,” the prime minister said.

Councils have a €30 million budget.

“In the PN, when someone admits to criminal charges, we expect them to resign instantly until the entire process of justice is completed. I back Paul Borg Olivier in all his decisions. We expect the highest level of ethical behaviour from everybody.”

The prime minister took the opportunity to hit out at Labour for the abstention of its councillors on the Nikki Dimech vote of no confidence.

“Labour confuses people’s minds and supports those who admit to breaking the law,” Gonzi said.

“Political parties remain instrumental in fielding candidates for local council elections… Labour’s abstention is really disappointing for the Opposition leader. Words and deeds really show otherwise in this case. It seems there are still people in the country who do not share our genuine stand on corruption. And our agenda is straight, clear and principled.”

In other interventions, Gonzi said the government’s continued investment in health and the development of an oncology department at Mater Dei hospital belied claims by Labour that the PN would introduce fees for health.

Buoyed by positive tourism statistics, Gonzi noted the Oriflame conference which attracted four plane-loads of participants in August had confirmed the positive results of investing more in tourism.

Gonzi also fleetingly made reference to national airline Air Malta. “We still have to take a decision on Air Malta and it won’t be easy. Air Malta is a strategic asset for our country and we must help it stay on its feet, while still attracting other airlines.”

Gonzi on 101Radio. Mammoth audience for sure.Unless media providers like Maltatoday tell us what was said no one would have know how gonzi spends his day. Hanqa ta' hmar qatt ma telghet is-sema.
Joseph Catania
.... rush in where angels fear to tread. This government will be remembered as the antithesis of EFA's cabinets.
lucypg if Libya stops them from traveling on to Malta and Europe then there will be no such deaths in the desert because they will not try to undertake the journey because they will know that they will be sent back. That is the only way to stop both the illegal immigrants invasion as stated by Dr Gonzi himslef and also to prevent further desert deaths. By the way do you know the size of Malta and the millions of Africans that want to go to Europe but will in all probability end up in Malta? Stop putting your heads in the sand like ostriches and wake up to the reality, read what Gaddafi said and think of the massive invasion of African illegal immigrants that has been planned all along and which our political correct brigades are to blame for the predicament that we have found ourselves in with thousands of illegal immigrants roaming around in Malta. markanthony anything wrong with stopping the invasion by illegal immigrants? They should stay in their own countries and sort their problems themselves not impose themselves upon us. Apart from this, they have the whole African continent where to go and not come to tiny Malta. This in no way implies that I agree with giving Libya what Gaddafi is demanding and I would strongly suggest a blockade by the EU to turn back all illegal immigrants to Libya. Do you think that Libya will take on the combined navies/armies/air forces of the EU member states?
Joe Tanti
A new specie of dog has recently been discovered in the fair island of Malta,in addition to the Maltese traditional dog, the one known around the world ,a form of Maltese poodle has been developed.This dog has a very long tongue with which it is constantly licking the arse of the more larger European dogs such as the French Poodle, the German Alsation ,the Italian Terrier and the British Bulldog.This new canine beast has been given the latin name of Gonzinus Anus Licker .It is known by the common people as the European Maltese Poodle.It is very responsive to commands especially if given in a foreign language more if these commands are transmitted from Brussels.It also has small insignificant bark and has no bite (or should it be "bajd".?) Many europeans are rushing to adopt it -the Danes are said to be in the forefront and are willing to pay a hefty commision of some 4 million Euros to own it.
james bugeja
if gaddafi is doing a good job at stopping the outflow of illegal immigrants since malta didn't have any lthis year, according to gonzi, then gaddafi doesn't need the 5 billion euros p.a. and we didn't have to support his claim ----- nobody else opened their mouths! Only malta and that slow-to-think but quick-to-open-his-mouth tonio borg!!!!
If conditions in Libya's detention centres are not that bad, why does Libya refuse to sign the Geneva Convention and why is UNHCR not allowed to operate normally in the country ? What Simon Busuttil had stated is that the conditions in Libya do not compare unfavourably with the dismal conditions of detention centres in some European countries. Fantastic ! Our politicians are losing sight of the fact that our European civilization is based on the respect of fundamental human rights that were so blatantly disregarded in the last war. Now, we don't fully respect them at home and justify their non-respect in other countries because of our shortcomings. However, I am not aware that in any country other than Libya, detainees are shipped 1,200 km across the desert closed in a container and deprived of water as has happened to some hapless Eritreans recently who refused to give their particulars to their government. After intensive Italian media and diplomatic pressure, these Eritreans were released and left to fend on their own in the middle of the desert. It has been reported that Gaddafi in person ordered an inquiry on their treatment but the results of this inquiry are still unknown. It is also not known what will be the future of these Eritreans after the expiry of the three month visa they have been granted. It is sad that some overpaid Brussels fat cat has justified Libya's treatment of these Eritreans by stating that none of these Eritreans is going to be repatriated (after the Italian media pressure, not due to efforts of the E.U.) and that our politicians are clutching to this statement to justify our policy of sending these hapless people back to Libya. But what would you expect of those who see nothing wrong in paying a ransom to Libya to prevent these people from leaving the shores of the Mediterranean. The real solution would be in allowing the UNHCR to process asylum applications in Libya but this does not seem to be possible in the current circumstances. J. Ellis.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Though I'm against religion interfering in politics, it is hypocritical that we don't introduce divorce because it's a sin, but are willing to pay extortion money to become accomplices to murder.! For this you'll be paying 5 Billion Dr Gonzi. Blood money.
did it ever occur to Dr. Gonzi that if as he says 'conditions in detention centres are not all that bad' that they were put up by the Libyan authorities to see the best centre? I mean, i'm sure we've done it before when delegations come... we dont exactly encourage visits to the Hangar do we!!! :P Perhaps the politicians should see some video footage of the deaths happening in the desert today to see how many 'thousands' we're saving... Long live Christianity... i'm sure this behaviour is VERY CHRIST-LIKE!!! what a great example to all...
John Camilleri
Not that Muscat and the LP would do any better when in government.
Charles Caruana
How are we going to believe you when you trumpeted burden sharing truimphs less than a year ago? Bombastic and ameteurish to say the least!
John Camilleri
By which what Gonzi means is that we should pay off Ghaddafi to keep the immigrants from leaving Libya for Europe and he can then do what the hell he wants with them.
Monique Cauchi
Gonzi is like some toothless old lion, which lies down, rolls over and shows its belly as a sign of submission. To even consider giving protection money to Libya is a joke. Libya is one of Africa's richest countries with estimated oil reserves of 42 billion barrels — the third largest in Africa — and pumps an estimated 1.8 million barrels per day. Recent licensing rounds for oil exploration brought in 40 foreign operators from all over the world and they plan to lift output from around 1.8 million barrels a day to around three billion by 2013. They can well afford to police their own borders without begging for money from countries that are less well off.
Hekk irid Gaddafi xi BECCUN bhalek Dr Gonzi taf xinti tghid hux 5 Biljuni fis sena ta mhux somma ta darba bdik is somma jekk hi trid l-UE tarma armata ta suldati u joqodu mal linja medjana Libyana u kif jarawhom gejjin idawruhom lura lejn il kosta Libyana u mela nigi ittih 5 biljuni fis sena Xjidhirlek Dr Gonzi int ser tohodha kontra Pawlu Borg Olivier meta dan qed jahdem ghal familtek biex tilhaq Sindku il lqariba tieghek Gonzi
Tony Sultana
If it was a Labour Government which claimed the above the Times and its aides serving as PR Agents for the Nationalists would have gone in hysteria and paranoia. I already imagine them harping back to the headlines which we were accustomed to in the 1970s and 1980s.