Board of inquiry to investigate materials used in fireworks manufacturing
Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici has appointed a Board of Inquiry to investigate the quality of materials used in the production of fireworks.
The board is being set up in the wake of yesterday's explosion at a fireworks factory in Gharb and the explosion at a fireworks factory near Mosta last month. Both incidents have claimed the lives of five people and the serious injury of another two.
It is understood that both explosions involved fireworks which had already been manufactured, whereas fireworks explosions in the past normally took place during the mixing of chemicals used for the fireworks.
MaltaToday is informed that the inquiry will be looking into the quality of chemicals that were imported last year – most of which were from the Far East – and which were used to manufacture the fireworks that were prepared throughout the year, and had been stored for this summer’s feasts. The fireworks that blasted the factories in Mosta and Gharb had prepared fireworks for the Santa Marija feast in Mosta and Our Lady of Victories in Xaghra.
According to sources, chemical material that was purchased last year was already suspicious, given that some of it did not have adequate labeling.
The Board of Inquiry is to be headed by Prof. Alfred Vella, an expert on chemicals, assisted by Prof. Victor Asciak, Joe Theuma and Servolo Delicata.
Delicata is the head of the government inspectorate on pyrotechnics.