Sliema’s new mayor resumes business with GRTU waste tender back on agenda

Sliema local council’s new mayor Joanna Gonzi resumes discussions on controversial Green MT waste tender which former mayor said was being pushed by PN.

The tender which former Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech told the IAID inquiry he was directed by PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier to award to Green MT, is back on the agenda.

Joanna Gonzi, elected mayor last week after Dimech lost a vote of no confidence moved by PN councillors, met yesterday with members of the waste recovery firm, which is owned by the Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) and GRTU director Vince Farrugia, who ran for MEP on the PN ticket in 2009.

PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier has denied allegations by Nikki Dimech, that he directed him to choose Green MT to provide the council with waste recovery services.

Dimech told the Internal Audit Investigations Department, and reiterated the same claims during the meeting that discussed th vote of no confidence, that Borg Olivier directed him to choose Green MT: a company owned by the GRTU (Chamber of SMEs).

The IAID was running an inquiry into alleged financial mismanagement inside the Sliema council.

Dimech told the IAID that Borg Olivier called him 15 minutes before the start of a council meeting, instructing him to choose Green MT for the tender, worth hundreds of thousands of euros.

Borg Olivier said the allegations were unfounded and that he would take legal action against Dimech. Borg Olivier has also sued MaltaToday on two separate news items dealing with the Sliema electoral district.

Dimech told the IAID inquiry that a former executive secretary, Althea Borg, signed the waste recovery contract with the GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia, without his approval.

Alfred Galea
This is how the PN does things, from local councils to the national the old sluts of Strada Stretta...."tini u ***ni".
Connie Saliba
Not only that she knows but there was a suggestion by someone else re ok ok - OF COURSE I WONT REPRODUCE FACTS WITHOUT PROOF BUT I WILL IF I HAVE TO - i think i should leave as a code for the moment - But lets go back to Althea - Althea as already known is a great supporter of R.ARRIGO so you can guess now they are all in the Family- Dont ever trust this family cause everytime you are infront of them they are all recording you on their Mobile - Camora - Althea also is Part of this Frame up - everyone knows that she managed the late night search in Nikki's office at the Council - and what about letters correspondence and whatever - she decides what to keep and not - yes chris my god what a confussion.
Little by little the Sliema Council, PBO and the new Mayor's jigsaw are falling into place and a very clear picture is emerging. Keep it up PBO, the Labour needs you and other to make sure that the PN is thrown out of Castile once and for all.
Christopher Galea Scannura
I am sure Mrs Gonzi is aware of Althea's "work" in the is just not convenient for her to speak up...Instead it was more convenient to point fingers (without proof) at the ex-mayor because there was a reward at stake!!!!
Martin Scicluna
Sorry to say that Nikki Dimech not more semms now Sliema had finished Sliema became Labour Party. Thanks to the General Secretary of PN. Sliema now its supporting Labour Party. For sure this this time Labour Party will win the General Elections thanks everything to Paul Borg Olivier he wants PN to lose. Thanks Paul better resign or we lose. U are doing what u want.
Connie Saliba
Althea Borg seems to have taken decisions without the knowledge of the other councillors whilst nikki Dimech was still mayor - Althea Borg should be investigated and called by the Police re many other issues - Althea Borg is also believed to have given som jobs to her Boyfriend - Can we know more about which direct orders she and her boyfriend were given ?????? Althea Borg was a great friend and collaborator of Stephen Buhagiar - Mrs Gonzi should be aware of these things and investigate more these matters.