Permits to expand YOURS facility submitted for MEPA approval
Residence for young offenders set to increase to 21 residents following construction of new wing
A €3 million investment will see the construction of a new wing at the YOURS facility in Mtahleb, a residence for young offenders.
The facility currently homes 12 foreign youths who have been sentenced to prison by the courts for crimes committed - usually involving drug addiction or thefts.
The construction of a new wing will increase the bed space to 21, also making it possible to transfer female prisoners under 21 from the Corradino Correctional Facility.
The longest prison term ever served in YOURS was of four years. The longest one currently being served is of a year.
The facility provides youths with a rehabilitation programme, with the small group actively involved in preparing their meals, taking part in P.E. lessons and sports taught to them by two full-time sports instructors and also have access to a small recording room.
Visiting the facility, Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia and parliamentary secretary for youth Chris Agius spoke about the importance of helping youths rehabilitate by providing them with ways to keep active.
"This place helps youths prepare themselves for when they join back society," Mallia said. The government has now provided gym equipment to both CCF and the YOURS facility.